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Runescape not starting up?


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I cant play rs because it wont start up with the loading stuff screen. I click on play as free player then the screen directs me to it bit it just goes white. Your thoughts on how to fix it plz! :-#


Java version: the default one


Operating system: microsoft windows xp


web browser: safari, mozilla firefox, windows internet explorer


i dont know :[*] Memory[*] Processor[*] Video card

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OK.. Java version: the default one


Operating system: microsoft windows xp


web browser: safari, mozilla firefox, windows internet explorer


i dont know :[*] Memory[*] Processor[*] Video card




OK, just go to the "Run" option on the start menu. Then type in "dxdiag" and press enter. Then, if you can, give a screenshot of what you can see there. Also, to find out your memory and processor, you can right click "My Computer" and click "Properties".




Also, does it go white on ALL your web browsers?


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And the video card? You need to click on the display tab. You said default java, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the latest version. Go to java.com and download the latest version, and see if that helps.




Also, please crop your image better next time so that it only shows the dxdiag window. Because it's big, imageshack has scaled down your image making the text hard to read. If you crop it to the window size, this shouldn't happen.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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