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10% of your coffers are used daily to pay for your workers, up to a maximum of 75K per day - so you at least want to put 750K into your coffers.




The most profitable resources are Fish, followed by Flax. I personally have 10 on Fish, and 5 on Flax.




Your profit is really dependant upon two things: how much money you have in your coffers, and how high your Approval Rating is. Try to get your AR up to 100% at least once a day (it drops 1% every day, so it's fairly easy to get it back up to 100%. I have to cut about 2 Maple logs, and it gets back to 100%.)






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That doesn't sound too hard.


Can you turn a profit? 750k is quite a bit of coin, lol.




Ah, well, you see, not all of the 750K is used up - you just need to have that much in your coffers to maximize the amount of money your workers are paid.




I withdraw my resources every 2-3 days or so, and at that point, I've only used up about 150K - so I still have 600K of the original 750K. Once I withdraw my resources, I top my coffers back up to 750K.




Upon selling my resources (Tuna, Swordies, Flax, and gems) I make maybe... 300K+. So that's about 150K+ profit for two days.




It's quite profitable, considering you don't really do anything to earn it.


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