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Tip It! Film top 100 2005.


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I can't really think of an order, except for the first two:








So...in no particular order








1. The Shawshank Redemption (absolutely amazing film)








2. The Green Mile (it touches your soul, don't believe me? watch it)








3. LOTR: The Return of the King (i like all of them but this one was carnage)








4. Goldfinger








5. We were soldiers (VERY good)








6. Platoon (a bit depressing)








7. The deer hunter








8. Gangs of New York








9. Titanic (try and ignore the soppiness, and there lies a good film)








10. The Matrix








11. The Godfather Pt.1








12. Top Gun








13. A few good men








14. Gladiator (totally awesome)








15. Raiders of the lost ark








16. The temple of doom (cool name)








17. Star Wars








18. Schindlers List








19. Big Country








20. Maverick








21. The Parole Officer








22. The Lion King








23. The Incredibles








24. Shrek 2








25. Finding Nemo








26. The French Connection








27. Forrest Gump








28. Mrs. Doubtfire








29. Good Will Hunting








30. Men in Black








31. Independance Day...








Bleh, run out of ideas, i'll add any more later.

"Da mihi castitatem et continentam, sed noli modo"

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It's hard for my to put my favorite movies in order because each has a certain quality I enjoy.








However, I will try :wink:








Top 10:








1. Schindler's List




2. Se7en




3. Shawshank Redemption




4. Forrest Gump (I'm surprised this isn't on people's top 10s more often)




5. The Green Mile




6. The Pianist




7. Requiem for a Dream




8. Pulp Fiction




9. Magnolia




10. Pay It Forward








Other films I have enjoyed but cannot put in any special order:








LOTR series




Matrix series




Star Wars series




American Beauty




Resevoir Dogs




Godfather I (Others were 'okay' but not up to the first's standard)








Face Off




Con Air




Fight Club




Silence of the Lambs




O Brother Where Art Thou? (Seen it in several languages, all with a certain flavor to it)




Kill Bill I & II




Finding Nemo




Bowling for Columbine




Fahrenheit 911




Remember the Titans








There's more surely, but can't really think of them all at the moment. I'll edit them in as I remember :)


By The_Jeppoz :wink:

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How2Pk, I noticed that in your collection you have Fight Club. What did you think of that movie? Personally I thought it was great, but I just wanted your opinion because from what I've heard you are quite the movie critic.

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How2Pk, I noticed that in your collection you have Fight Club. What did you think of that movie? Personally I thought it was great, but I just wanted your opinion because from what I've heard you are quite the movie critic.








Let's not overreact with the movie critic, shall we. :oops: But, yes, I've got it two times in my collection. I first bought the 1 disc snapper, and after that I bought the 2 disc collectors edition (beautiful digipack btw!) for the same price, it's probaby same price everywhere, so I say: Buy the 2-disc collectors edition.








Anyway, the movie. I really like the movie. We've got two actors giving the full 100%, Edward Norton doing an awesome prestation narrating the story and playing the from insomnia suffering Jack (let's call him Jack). And Brad Pitt, playing Tyler (funny how he lives because he's making soap), the character with some very 'weird' views on life. It's very clear how the movi devolops thus not too hard to keep up with the movie. Also I'm a fan of black/macabre humor (A Clockwork Orange, Fight Club is thought of as the Clockwork Orange from the 90's btw). Also the social message, the postive violence and how everything is going down in a spiral of darkness and madness are things that attract me to this movie.


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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1. The Boondock Saints.




2. Donnie Darko.




3. Requiem For A Dream.




4. Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi.




5. Braveheart.




6. Pulp Fiction.




7. Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King.




8. Kill Bill vol. 1.




9. Kill Bill vol. 2.




10. The Matrix.




11. Rosemary's Baby.




12. Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring.




13. Dracula: Dead and Loving It.




14. Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers.




15. Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.




16. Finding Nemo.




17. The Man in the Iron Mask.




18. I Kina ÃÆÃââââ¬Ã¾ter Dom Hundar.




19. Face/Off.




20. Remember The Titans.




21. Bowling For Columbine.




22. The 51st State.




23. Robin Hood: Men in Tights.




24. The Shining.




25. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade.
















// Azvi.


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Nice list Azvy, got some good movies in it. For people who can't find "I Kina ÃÆÃââââ¬Ã¾ter Dom Hundar" the correct title is "I Kina spiser de hunde" (Azvy's title was correct too, but in Swedish, so IMDB didn't recognize it)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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