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Dream Mentor fight help plz..



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ok im about to do dream mentor for the qp because i only have a few left until i can get my quest cape and because i want to be able to use humidify for mage exp and i had a few questions i would like to ask..but first im working on a budget of around 1.2m if its possible to beat the quest with only this much to work with.




1. what should i use equipment wise?


2. What should i have in my inventory for the fight?

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ok im about to do dream mentor for the qp because i only have a few left until i can get my quest cape and because i want to be able to use humidify for mage exp and i had a few questions i would like to ask..but first im working on a budget of around 1.2m if its possible to beat the quest with only this much to work with.




1. what should i use equipment wise?


2. What should i have in my inventory for the fight?




1. I think you'll be pretty good with just some basic melee armor (rune's fine) and a whip + dds.


2. A superset and fill the rest with tuna potatoes.




I did it with worse stats than I have now (which are lower than yours) and I finished it without too much trouble, I think I had about 5 or so tuna potatoes left.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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1. Range gear, boad bolts/arrows. MSB or Rune Crossbow.


2. Range pot, cheap melee gear, and high quality food.




When the boss spawns run back to behind the lecturn. It will get stuck. You can then range it to death. This works for the first 3 forms. The 3rd form I melee'd.


Trust the Gene Genie!

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as hard as it seem to believe, i´ve alredy donde dream mentor. i took 22sharks, 2 super defence 1 super restore and dragon dagger p++ . i took black d hide rune c bow, rune shield and neit helm. the first 1 is the hardest, i killed him with water wave, and kept myself away from the little 1s. then for the second keep running and range him or mage him.


hope it helps :thumbsup:


Quest Cape achieved on 27/4/09but nomad is preventing me to get it back...


New-wave tried to destroy the metal, but the metal had its way

Grunge then tried to dethrone the metal, but metal was in the way

Punk-rock tried to destroy the metal, but metal was much too strong

Techno tried to defile the metal, but techno was proven wrong


It comes from hell!

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I haven't finished this quest either...it scares me (I don't want to lose good stuff fighting it).




I've not heard of the ranging methods listed here...I'll have to remember them.

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