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Oh, and Oustanity. You are so full of hot air it isn't funny...




Whatever I say, you always call it spam, unintelligent or complaining. You are just trying to reasure yourself my putting down other's fair ideas and suggestions. I suggest you shut up.








I don't want to be the one to tell you this, but backing down from a discussion with a comment like that effectvly means that when you get someone who disagree's with your comments, backing down straight off means you didn't believe in what you were saying...








And I thought we had a discussion going too...








Take the following statement as true:








f2p players want more bank space.








That means they've played a while and have the option of becoming a member. If they don't or can't, then they have to deal with less space or hope they get more.








Now, also take this statement as true:








JAGeX's profit does not depend on the number of f2p players.








It' depends, instead, on the number of f2p players who will become members and the p2p players who decide to continue their membership each month.








I'm afraid I see no reason why f2p players will be getting more bank space anytime soon. I'm not trying to be snobby, I'm just telling it like I see it.








Excellent point. Couldn't have worded it better myself.








Infact, if anyone can construct a *logical* argument that rebutts that entire post, and renders it garbage, I'll not only give them a cookie, I'll watch them eat it too.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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for most of you f2pers, you could work for the money, get the address, and put the money in the mail in one little runescape session you guys play, for one month, just work for about 15-30 minutes and you got it easy, add a little more time into it, 3 months, add a day or two of good hard work, a year, by the time you have read this thread you could have the member money in the mail. Just dont complain about what you dont have, do something about it instead of sitting there typing. You have to work to get something in real life, even if what your getting is fake. Just take one day off of runescape, take a week of your allowance, twenty bucks from moms purse or dads wallet. Whatever you do to get money usually, put it in an envelope, put the address, slap on a stamp and put it in the mail. In 3 or 4 days, you will finally see the p2p side of this story, you realize that you hardly lost any money in it, and you get so much more. Now, my member time is winding down (oooh scary, i have to put another 20 bucks in the mail soon...) so im not gunna waste it reading all of the complaints.

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If you want more, pay.








And please, f2pers, don't make anymore of these posts, beging for things.




I'm a f2p, I don't beg. You are making me have shame of being f2p.








no... thats the point of being f2p, begging speaking weird (not everyone tho) and screaming for more stuff.








i dont ask for more stuff, so not all f2p'ers is begging so dont spoil our reputation. :)



R.I.P. Shiva and Steve

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Cardsfan, Mages, even on f2p, can almost always take down a meleer if they have brains. Not saying you don't...but...you know.








Now, I entirely agree with Lpinkus here. You ask us "Why don't we get updates?" Well...we can turn around and say "Why should you get updates?"








You don't need them, you're not hindered from making money in any way, shape, or form, and Jagex has no reason to do this. It would only LOSE them money. The more member things they introduce, the less need there will be for members.








I mean, think of this: If 2,000 players of the free worlds would ONLY join members just to get fletching, but then fletching was released as f2p, Jagex just lost upwards of 10,000 dollars.








Catch my drift now? :?




for magic with magic lvl being equal to opponents str or watever u wanna choose








f2p: lvl 110 using magic vs 110 meleer in full rune w/scim




who has the higher max hit? meleer max hit is higher








lets see the mage use bind hmm how many shots can he get off on a meleer before the time runs out? 1 usually, 2 under lucky circumstances








members: lvl 110 using magic and 110 meleer




who has the higher max hit? meleer can max out higher, but not by much








lets use bind/snare/entangle/ice spells




how many hits can he get off on a meleer with ice burste? 3 ish how many with ice barrage? more than enough








so hmm, even though the mage can beat the meleer on f2p, he still doesnt have anywhere near the advantange he should have as in members

R.I.P. Shiva

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Cardsfan, Mages, even on f2p, can almost always take down a meleer if they have brains. Not saying you don't...but...you know.








Now, I entirely agree with Lpinkus here. You ask us "Why don't we get updates?" Well...we can turn around and say "Why should you get updates?"








You don't need them, you're not hindered from making money in any way, shape, or form, and Jagex has no reason to do this. It would only LOSE them money. The more member things they introduce, the less need there will be for members.








I mean, think of this: If 2,000 players of the free worlds would ONLY join members just to get fletching, but then fletching was released as f2p, Jagex just lost upwards of 10,000 dollars.








Catch my drift now? :?




for magic with magic lvl being equal to opponents str or watever u wanna choose








f2p: lvl 110 using magic vs 110 meleer in full rune w/scim




who has the higher max hit? meleer max hit is higher








lets see the mage use bind hmm how many shots can he get off on a meleer before the time runs out? 1 usually, 2 under lucky circumstances








members: lvl 110 using magic and 110 meleer




who has the higher max hit? meleer can max out higher, but not by much








lets use bind/snare/entangle/ice spells




how many hits can he get off on a meleer with ice burste? 3 ish how many with ice barrage? more than enough








so hmm, even though the mage can beat the meleer on f2p, he still doesnt have anywhere near the advantange he should have as in members








So buy more nature runes, and cast bind, then attack, cast bind, then attack.








If you don't have enough money to do so, you shouldn't be a mage in the first place. Simple as that.



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Sorry. I said i wouldn't post on this topic anymore, but with all that people have said, i feel that i need to reply.








Firstly: Pay By Mail isn't available in every country. I live in Australia and i can't pay by mail.








Secondly: Making say, 10 extra bank spaces for free players won't cost JAGeX a cent/penny/whatever. Andrew has to change one number in one of the JAVA files. You may know this, but I just wanted to point it out. And it's not like JAGeX never update the JAVA files. They do every week. Andrew could make that simply change one week. And they wouldn't suffer financially at all.








Thirdly: I have no problem maging or ranging. I don't need or want fletching.








Fourthly: I backed down because i didn't see the point in continuing this discussion because it was going nowhere.








I will say this again even though i have probably said it about 10 times already:








I don't want members skills.




I don't want members quests.




I don't want members objects.




I don't want members areas.




I don't want the forums.




I want extra bank space. Maybe even just enough to finish the row!








And no-one should ever say that JAGeX don't make money from F2P servers. The ads earn them lots of money. More than enough to pay for the servers. Sorry if i seem like a 'complaining noob' but there is currently no way that I can pay for members and i don't really care for members benefeits anyway (apart from bank space).

















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Well, since you're on to that point... In a thread on RS-C where Andrew debated with Strider about the use of SS, he stated that the f2p ad money was not enough to cover the cost of the f2p servers, and if SS hid the ads meant more P2P money was to be used for this, meaning less updates... (By the way, this was the only point I identified from your long post above stating how mature you were, Elimist5000)








Second: If you would care to go to your local video game store, and ask for a game for free- not because you don't have the money!- but because your parents won't let you buy it, will the shop owner give it to you? Nope, because he has to make money. And well, you could say, "But I'm not demanding the game from you, I'm just suggesting you give it to me!"- and calling the shop owner a "noob" and "pwned" just because he won't... doesn't that sound like your current behaviour Elimist5000? Also, you might want to consider telling him that you are not asking for his whole shop, all his earnings, all the games in the shop... you are merely asking for 1 of them! Does that not sound familiar as well?

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Are you telling me, Elimist, that you really click the adverts? 98% of all adverts go unclicked, never mind ones that lag and take up your gaming time.








A high end server like the ones Jagex have cost around $499 per month to run. So approximately there's 90 servers (officiall and test) so that's $44910 per month for servers alone. Add maintenance, wages and promotion, we'll round it to an approximately low $50,000 per month.








Is it so hard to comprehend that Jagex are more likely to reward the people who pay them $5 a month to help cover these costs than the 2% of f2pers who benefit them with a few pennies per click?




For those who can't understand why Jagex don't add little updates like bank space, it makes perfect sense to me.

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Are you telling me, Elimist, that you really click the adverts? 98% of all adverts go unclicked, never mind ones that lag and take up your gaming time.








A high end server like the ones Jagex have cost around $499 per month to run. So approximately there's 90 servers (officiall and test) so that's $44910 per month for servers alone. Add maintenance, wages and promotion, we'll round it to an approximately low $50,000 per month.








Is it so hard to comprehend that Jagex are more likely to reward the people who pay them $5 a month to help cover these costs than the 2% of f2pers who benefit them with a few pennies per click?




For those who can't understand why Jagex don't add little updates like bank space, it makes perfect sense to me.








Well, since you're on to that point... In a thread on RS-C where Andrew debated with Strider about the use of SS, he stated that the f2p ad money was not enough to cover the cost of the f2p servers, and if SS hid the ads meant more P2P money was to be used for this, meaning less updates... (By the way, this was the only point I identified from your long post above stating how mature you were, Elimist5000)








Second: If you would care to go to your local video game store, and ask for a game for free- not because you don't have the money!- but because your parents won't let you buy it, will the shop owner give it to you? Nope, because he has to make money. And well, you could say, "But I'm not demanding the game from you, I'm just suggesting you give it to me!"- and calling the shop owner a "noob" and "pwned" just because he won't... doesn't that sound like your current behaviour Elimist5000? Also, you might want to consider telling him that you are not asking for his whole shop, all his earnings, all the games in the shop... you are merely asking for 1 of them! Does that not sound familiar as well?








Finally we've got someone who can make sense into everything that has attempted to be said. Both of you hit it right on the dot. (Though I highly doubt this will stop Elimist5000 from asking for free bank space)



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Cardsfan, Mages, even on f2p, can almost always take down a meleer if they have brains. Not saying you don't...but...you know.








Now, I entirely agree with Lpinkus here. You ask us "Why don't we get updates?" Well...we can turn around and say "Why should you get updates?"








You don't need them, you're not hindered from making money in any way, shape, or form, and Jagex has no reason to do this. It would only LOSE them money. The more member things they introduce, the less need there will be for members.








I mean, think of this: If 2,000 players of the free worlds would ONLY join members just to get fletching, but then fletching was released as f2p, Jagex just lost upwards of 10,000 dollars.








Catch my drift now? :?




for magic with magic lvl being equal to opponents str or watever u wanna choose








f2p: lvl 110 using magic vs 110 meleer in full rune w/scim




who has the higher max hit? meleer max hit is higher








lets see the mage use bind hmm how many shots can he get off on a meleer before the time runs out? 1 usually, 2 under lucky circumstances








members: lvl 110 using magic and 110 meleer




who has the higher max hit? meleer can max out higher, but not by much








lets use bind/snare/entangle/ice spells




how many hits can he get off on a meleer with ice burste? 3 ish how many with ice barrage? more than enough








so hmm, even though the mage can beat the meleer on f2p, he still doesnt have anywhere near the advantange he should have as in members








So buy more nature runes, and cast bind, then attack, cast bind, then attack.








If you don't have enough money to do so, you shouldn't be a mage in the first place. Simple as that.

im doing doing fine on nats kthx and ive used more nats for entangle/snare/bind than u can imagine and im 88 so dont worry bout me failing? next time u post think before u do, as u obviously dont realize that there is a time of immunity from when ur bind spell wears off before u can cast another one. next time u go f2p pkin try maging while using bind, and u'll see that it'll barely hold ur oppenent to cast one spell, much less if hes praying ktxhbai?

R.I.P. Shiva

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Finally, a well-written out post for us to rebutt. Much easier to work with. Allow me to de-construct it logically.







Sorry. I said i wouldn't post on this topic anymore, but with all that people have said, i feel that i need to reply.








Excellent. Good to see you are a man of discussion, not someone who runs away when someone disagrees. I'm not sarcastic, I can respect that.











Firstly: Pay By Mail isn't available in every country. I live in Australia and i can't pay by mail.








G'day mate. I'm an Aussie too. There are other methods of payment other than credit card or pay by mail. I use "Pay by Cash" which seems to work well. If none of the methods of payment are suitable for you, well thats bad luck.








If none of the methods of payment are suitable, then it means you are not in a postition to pay for pay-to-play, thus you are not eligable to reap ANY of the benifits of doing so. Saying you can't pay and you would only like one tiny part of the benifits of members is not going to get you anywhere.








Secondly: Making say, 10 extra bank spaces for free players won't cost JAGeX a cent/penny/whatever. Andrew has to change one number in one of the JAVA files. You may know this, but I just wanted to point it out. And it's not like JAGeX never update the JAVA files. They do every week. Andrew could make that simply change one week. And they wouldn't suffer financially at all.








Oh, and you know all this because not only are you very in-tune with how Jagex as a company works, you are also in tune with how their game works? Yet you can't pay by credit card nor internet banking. Interesting.








I'm not going to base my argument on assumed knowledge, like you have above. Thats silly. What I will say is that some people DO join members for the extra bank space. How do I know this? It was high on the list of reasons I joined members. If they gave free to play enough bank space to do everything, I would have put off being a member till I literally had nothing left to do in F2P. That means lvl 99 in all F2P skills.








Thirdly: I have no problem maging or ranging. I don't need or want fletching.








So because you don't want some of the members stuff, you should get the stuff you want for free? I fail to see how this point is relevant to anything. Hell, other F2P'ers might not want more bank space, but they may want fletching. By your logic, thats fine and dandy.








I suggest you back this point up with some logic or fact, or retract it.








Fourthly: I backed down because i didn't see the point in continuing this discussion because it was going nowhere.








Because the very notion of someone who pays nothing getting even 0.001% of the things that are saved for people that do pay is pointless too. Agree?








I will say this again even though i have probably said it about 10 times already:








Say it all you want, it doesn't make it logical.








I don't want members skills.




I don't want members quests.




I don't want members objects.




I don't want members areas.




I don't want the forums.




I want extra bank space. Maybe even just enough to finish the row!








So hold on for a second there. You want a members benifit. It doens't matter how much of it you want, you want it. Hell, if they were selling bags of apples at the store, and I only wanted one apple, not a whole bag, should they give me just the one apple? Nope.








It's as simple as this. You even bolded it for me above. Let me spell it out for you, and if you deny it, you will be lying.








You want a members benifit. Yes or No.








If you answer Yes, then you will have to pay to get it. Just like everyone else does.







And no-one should ever say that JAGeX don't make money from F2P servers. The ads earn them lots of money. More than enough to pay for the servers. Sorry if i seem like a 'complaining noob' but there is currently no way that I can pay for members and i don't really care for members benefeits anyway (apart from bank space).








Please, support your argument with facts that you don't know. You are assuming this. As Bubsa said, F2P can't support their own servers with the ads, thats part of the money earned from P2P.








I'm P2P, so logically I should be annoyed that smoe of the money I pay is going to help F2P play. But I'm not. Because if there was no F2P, I never would have become a member. And the more people that pay F2P, the more people may join members. The more people that join members, the more money Jagex makes. The more money KJagex makes, the more even the spread of the money. That means they can spend more of our money on us members, rather than raising the price.








The current system works. I have yet to see a single point to prove otherwise.

Raichase, quit Runescape.


Time issues really, nothing against the game itself. Something had to go, and it happened to be the addictive game that costs money to enjoy :)


Best of luck to all of my friends here!

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1 word.
















You go to a department. You see all these samples of food. Since they are samples, you can eat as much as you want of them.








But are you going to complain to the store that the samples are too salty and taste bad? No. You have to buy the item first, and then you can complain.








Same thing.








Jeez, looks like an idiot compared to the one above. :oops:[/img]

RsN: Arcade

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Are you telling me, Elimist, that you really click the adverts? 98% of all adverts go unclicked, never mind ones that lag and take up your gaming time.








A high end server like the ones Jagex have cost around $499 per month to run. So approximately there's 90 servers (officiall and test) so that's $44910 per month for servers alone. Add maintenance, wages and promotion, we'll round it to an approximately low $50,000 per month.








Is it so hard to comprehend that Jagex are more likely to reward the people who pay them $5 a month to help cover these costs than the 2% of f2pers who benefit them with a few pennies per click?




For those who can't understand why Jagex don't add little updates like bank space, it makes perfect sense to me.








Well, since you're on to that point... In a thread on RS-C where Andrew debated with Strider about the use of SS, he stated that the f2p ad money was not enough to cover the cost of the f2p servers, and if SS hid the ads meant more P2P money was to be used for this, meaning less updates... (By the way, this was the only point I identified from your long post above stating how mature you were, Elimist5000)








Second: If you would care to go to your local video game store, and ask for a game for free- not because you don't have the money!- but because your parents won't let you buy it, will the shop owner give it to you? Nope, because he has to make money. And well, you could say, "But I'm not demanding the game from you, I'm just suggesting you give it to me!"- and calling the shop owner a "noob" and "pwned" just because he won't... doesn't that sound like your current behaviour Elimist5000? Also, you might want to consider telling him that you are not asking for his whole shop, all his earnings, all the games in the shop... you are merely asking for 1 of them! Does that not sound familiar as well?








Finally we've got someone who can make sense into everything that has attempted to be said. Both of you hit it right on the dot. (Though I highly doubt this will stop Elimist5000 from asking for free bank space)









Yes, I shall post again!








And yes, I click the ads to support JAGeX because I currently have no way of paying $5 (even though I have the money). Every time I go to the play game page on the site, I click the ad. A solution to this problem on JAGeX's end, could be to use ads that appeal to gamers.








And, as I said above, I do not want members benefeits much either. And you members can't really complain about F2P players getting 5 extra bank spaces can you?








"Is it so hard to comprehend that Jagex are more likely to reward the people who pay them $5 a month to help cover these costs than the 2% of f2pers who benefit them with a few pennies per click?




For those who can't understand why Jagex don't add little updates like bank space, it makes perfect sense to me."








Yes, true. But I am not demanding all of the bank space that members get. Does it seem strange to everyone else that adding 5 extra bank spaces is going to put JAGeX out of business? I think not. I don't expect monthly updates. I don't pay so I shouldn't get them! I know that. And I accept it because I don't pay!








"If you would care to go to your local video game store, and ask for a game for free- not because you don't have the money!- but because your parents won't let you buy it, will the shop owner give it to you? Nope, because he has to make money. And well, you could say, "But I'm not demanding the game from you, I'm just suggesting you give it to me!"- and calling the shop owner a "noob" and "pwned" just because he won't... doesn't that sound like your current behaviour Elimist5000? Also, you might want to consider telling him that you are not asking for his whole shop, all his earnings, all the games in the shop... you are merely asking for 1 of them! Does that not sound familiar as well?"








No, it doesn't.




Seriously, I don't want to pay JAGeX $5 a month just for something that could take Andrew 5 second to change. Sure if F2Pers could purchase extra bank space seperately from members, I would pay for it seperately. I don't want members benefeits (as I have said in my previous post) and am not willing to pay for 5 slots of bank space.








"A high end server like the ones Jagex have cost around $499 per month to run. So approximately there's 90 servers (officiall and test) so that's $44910 per month for servers alone. Add maintenance, wages and promotion, we'll round it to an approximately low $50,000 per month."








You are right there. But 'Test' servers? And why wages for free servers? That's all fine if you mean people to maintain the servers, but if you don't mean that then there's a problem. There are [currently] no updates on free worlds, so why pay people to develope content for them?








On an off topic note:




I was just thinking about how JAGeX shut down the Australasian server. They said that it cost too much to run. But the English pound is worth much more in Australia. 1 pound might be equal to $3 AUS sometimes.








I think that's all for now, but we'll see...









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Sorry to double post, but I didn't see that second last post.








Firstly, I'd like to say congratulations on a great post (seriously).








G'day mate. I'm an Aussie too. There are other methods of payment other than credit card or pay by mail. I use "Pay by Cash" which seems to work well. If none of the methods of payment are suitable for you, well thats bad luck.








Can you let me know where there's a Western Union around western Sydney? I have searched, but not found.








Oh, and you know all this because not only are you very in-tune with how Jagex as a company works, you are also in tune with how their game works? Yet you can't pay by credit card nor internet banking. Interesting.








No I am not in tune with how the company works, but my friend is an autoer and I have seen the RS java source code many times, and had the chance to go through it. I asked him about changing bank space, but he said that even if you made the change in the client files, it would be different and the server would reject the requests to bank extra items. In tune enough for you?









Thirdly: I have no problem maging or ranging. I don't need or want fletching.








So because you don't want some of the members stuff, you should get the stuff you want for free? I fail to see how this point is relevant to anything. Hell, other F2P'ers might not want more bank space, but they may want fletching. By your logic, thats fine and dandy.








I said that because some person who posted before that last post of mine was complaining about maging and ranging. Ignore it.












And no-one should ever say that JAGeX don't make money from F2P servers. The ads earn them lots of money. More than enough to pay for the servers. Sorry if i seem like a 'complaining noob' but there is currently no way that I can pay for members and i don't really care for members benefeits anyway (apart from bank space).








Please, support your argument with facts that you don't know. You are assuming this. As Bubsa said, F2P can't support their own servers with the ads, thats part of the money earned from P2P.








I addressed this point in the post above.








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when we get updates there crap, ruined the graveyard fence and half the xp on crumble undead








And you say I complain?








Yes, I do; and I also believe that everything you quoted up about 3 posts is just taking this conversation back in an interweaving circle of monotony. Honestly, did you comprehend any of what Bubsa, Raichase, or IceArrow4 said previously? It does not matter which part of members it is, whether it's old updates, new updates, big or small...giving free players more space would take AWAY from members. See, your logic is that "Well they have 100 (off number, yes) and we've got 40! So if we just get 5 more spaces, they'll still have 100!"








Yes, all fine and dandy. But using sensible logic, that means we're paying now for 5 LESS bank spaces a month, and you're getting 5 MORE free spaces for all eternity. The only way I could see you getting 5 more, is if we got 10 or 11 more. It needs to even out, and I'll be quite frank...I don't think the free servers as a whole deserve anything else to this nature anyways.








I'm going to be very straightforward with you, here, Elimist5000. If you are going to post in response to someone in an argument, you're going to need to see both sides of the argument, and THEN decide which one makes more logical sense. IceArrow's, X-Arcade-X's, and myself's scenarios are very logical, and all represent the very same attitude you have presented and bestowed upon this topic. If you can't compare the two, then clearly you've got some serious schooling to still go through. Sorry if that sounds harsh...but honestly. They couldn't have been more clearer if we had smacked you with them written on a piece of paper.








I'm going to say I am safely through with this topic (for now). I have said all I need to say, and if you, Elimist5000, still can't understand why 6 or 7 people all disagree with you, then me staying here is only going to waste my valuable time. I'll only return if someone presents a completely new topic, which, at this point, I think is highly doubtful. Elimist5000, if you feel the need to flame this, retort in any slanderous way, or mock me behind my back, I honestly won't care. Do all you wish; as your opinion on this topic really doesn't interest me any more. Had you kept it going with more fact and reasoning, things might have turned out differently.








And P.S. Take my word of advice, and don't conveniently make up friends just to use as a false argument. I am sure many real coders on these forums would be able to tell you why servers cost money to upkeep.



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Elimist, you obviously can't read if you interperated what I wrote in that way.




Seriously, arguing with you is pointless. Not only does nothing get through to you, but you're arguing a lost cause.








Put all the morality of it behind us. F2p will not get updates. Simple as that. Arguing why is pointless, Jagex won't read it.

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Very well, let's stay off the topic of other members' benefits now then, let's talk about bank space. I've noticed that you're experiencing a lack of bank space now (as are all other F2P players). Now then, since P2P is boosting so much more bank space, isn't that incentive to get P2P? - Thus, Jagex's campaign to attract F2P to P2P works - you have been attracted to our extra bank space.








Now, back to the P2P:F2P...








Members skills make money - F2P attracted to new skills.




Members get so much more cities - F2P attracted to these finely constructed cities (with their benefits)




Members get so much more new equipment - F2P attracted to item benefits




Members get so much more bank space - F2P attracted as they want the space.








How different is our extra bank space from the rest of our benefits?

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As members you get 1 extra bank spaces for every new quest, item or random event you get. Its just that its a waste of time to give 3 or 4 bank spaces every week to you. Thats why instead Jagex gives you 50 each and every other month. As for f2p, we get a ranging update and a few new random events. Yet still we haven't got at least 1 new bank spot. This is one of the reasons why me and many other f2pers want atleast one more spot.

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As members you get 1 extra bank spaces for every new quest, item or random event you get. Its just that its a waste of time to give 3 or 4 bank spaces every week to you. Thats why instead Jagex gives you 50 each and every other month. As for f2p, we get a ranging update and a few new random events. Yet still we haven't got at least 1 new bank spot. This is one of the reasons why me and many other f2pers want atleast one more spot.








Learn to read? :roll:








I don't like flaming, but I just have to criticise your lack of understanding.
















If you aren't satisfied with the sample, buy the product. Then you're free to fill out any complaints that you may have. :roll:

RsN: Arcade

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As members you get 1 extra bank spaces for every new quest, item or random event you get. Its just that its a waste of time to give 3 or 4 bank spaces every week to you. Thats why instead Jagex gives you 50 each and every other month. As for f2p, we get a ranging update and a few new random events. Yet still we haven't got at least 1 new bank spot. This is one of the reasons why me and many other f2pers want atleast one more spot.
just because u want something that others have, it doesnt mean that u will get it. ask bill gates for his company and do u think he'll hand it over to u? if u want something that belongs to p2p, either make a better argument justifying ur complaint or pay the 5 bucks. like the guy before who said "say ur at the park and u want a drink. u can drink from the water fountain for free, but theres a concession stand selling soda. do u think that you'll get that soda for free? no"

R.I.P. Shiva

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