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RuneScape Suggestions - Ignore List++ and Text Wrapping


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Hey. I've made two suggestions regarding the Ignore List, and the chat box. I posted them on the RuneScape forums, support them if you like it. :)




Quoted topics:


Ignore List - Double Feature


*Note: Please make sure to have read the whole post before posting! Thank-you! :)*




We all know our beloved Ignore List for taking out those pesky players that seeks your annoyance to the limit.




But did you ever have to listen to someone bypass the filter but only be able to ignore the player AFTER the words have already been said? How many times has an offensive word been exploited past the filter? See it once, and begone!




Read on if you wish to hear more! :D


There are always words out there that haven't been filtered by Jagex's censor, so why not be able to make our own? (That applies on top of Jagex's current filter.)




Adding a double feature to the Ignore List seems like a pretty brilliant idea to me! :P With this feature, the Ignore List would become the supreme ignore'r'!




Simply split the list into two categories, one for the player names and the other for the words that you wish to ignore.




It will ignore words that are listed acting like a censor, there are so many commonly words that people use to bypass the filter like symbols that are not recognized though they look like a letter.




This means that the word category of the Ignore List will allow symbols, and since names cannot contain symbols, no symbols allowed in the player list (like always).


In-Depth Explanation:


When a word is added to the Ignore List, it will seek out anyone saying the word and censor it. However, it should differ from the traditional star-filter so you can tell if they said a word that was filtered by your list or Jagex's list.




This list could actually be useful for Jagex, for repeated words throughout all the players' accounts would mean that players commonly ignore that word even though it's not censored by Jagex's list [yet], providing helpful information for Jagex to review when it comes to word censoring.




Then of course, if you are to type in a word that is already censored, it will not let you.












1 Defence Pure since '08.~


QFC: 83-84-795-58732337




Text Warpping - Chat box:


*Notice: Please make sure you've read the WHOLE thread before posting, thanks!*




Don't you hate it when you're saying something and it gets cut off in the chat box? Specially in Clan Chats, when there's a long clan chat name which reduces the amount of words you can type out?




If you do, read on! :D




Hey! I got noticed! Jagex Moderator post on page 3, check it out! :D


This is a simple idea of being able to wrap the text that you type out if it overflows the single line in the chat box.




My proposal is to make it artificially make another line for you if your words get cut off, which would prevent any abuse of the system (more on this below).**




Some people may argue about spam, but there are dozens of ways to prevent it, like delays to each message, or making it so you can't repeat the same symbol like @ over and over, and much more ways that we can easily think of. And if you want to get to the nitty gritty, I'll give some numbers (just an example):




You can only send up to five @ symbols consecutively or it will be rejected sending an in-game message will be sent saying you should lower the amount of symbols in your message.






Now some people may say that with this update, we can just type indefinitely and the messages would keep repeating, but do realize there is STILL a text limit when you type, it's just because that some of the letters are obviously larger in width than others, you can get to where the message is being cut off while letter such as "l"s are thin and can be shown much easier (allowing you to actually reach the message limit).




**Now on making it artificially send the rest of the message. For example if you say something that gets cut off, and the server attempts to split the message into a new line, it doesn't send both the the chat box right away, it sends the first one as it would, then it sends the second one as if you were to type the rest of the message separately!




I really don't see any significant problems to this; if you do, post about it!




*It's common when people say that it's too hard to Jagex to do something, and that is pointless to the actual idea so please, let Jagex decide if it's too difficult, after all the things they've done: I don't think so! :P*




Thanks for your time! Please post if you've read this! :)








1 Defence Pure since '08.


Side Suggestions:




Most of the time Jagex takes the core concept of a suggestion and go off on their own, so a lot of the in-depth ideas don't really have a chance, otherwise I can think of a lot of customizations to it although it may be unnecessary, like:




Some kind of designation so that people can recognize whether you typed another line to finish the message yourself, or if the system did it for you (I imagine it as if the system did it for you, a colored line will link the two lines together so that people will know it was split).




Somehow enabling us to change the colors/effects of our text without having to type, "red:, green:, white:, wave:..." (or having us type it, but not counting it as part of our text limit) because when you type that, it takes up room in your message which is kind of like sacrificing your room for a color/effect. :P




And of course, full text editing so you can click in the middle of a message and change it from there instead of having to erase everything in front of it, click and drag your cursor to select the words, and so on. (Also suggested by a poster: B0b Marly.)




All these are add-on features that aren't priority to all the things that Jagex can be adding. I just wrote it to get it off my mind. ;)


Post was supported by Mod Tiley (Jagex Moderator).


QFC: 83-84-908-58676553




Thanks for viewing. :)

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well jagex has already loosened up on the crazy sensitive filter, so i doubt there going to make it more sensitive, and honestly i dont give a crap about language as long as it isnt rascist.




i like your second idea though. ::'


Darwin's Radio, stairway to stardom 2009

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Yes, but I mentioned in the post that there are words that are meant to be censored, but people figured out how to bypass them, that would be a situation to use that feature in. And also, some people are still sensitive to the language. Just like the Ignore List, you find a lot of people don't use it very often, but there are people that do.

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I like the first, but I don't think the second is necessary simply because you can just do it manually.

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Erm... We can do everything manually.




Don't you agree it's not suppose to get cut-off in the first place? Or do you believe that's meant-to-be? #-o




We can't censor other people's words manually.




It's not supposed to be cut-off, but the solution is so simple that Jagex doesn't need to spend time correcting it. If you're worried that your text would take up so much space, just space it out more. Instead of typing 1 long message, type 2 shorter ones. You don't need to make Jagex go through all the programming, problem solving, and bug testing.

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I would say using the Ignore List (with just player names) would be like censoring them manually. Anyways:




I understand the reasoning of unnecessary updates. But with the Official Update Year for RuneScape, it makes perfect sense to devoid RuneScape of bugs such as this one. If you were to categorize all the bugs throughout RuneScape, I would say this would be on the Top 10 list wouldn't you agree? It is very annoying like I mentioned in Clan Chats with long names, it's hard to predict when it is going to get cut-off and leaves many people frustrated, even Jagex Mods that I have been seeing talking in Clan Chats about various updates. We cannot just not bring up the idea of fixing it just because there are larger projects going on, it has to be fixed someday.




On the other hand, there are many development teams that work on many different project simultaneously and if you're worried about other more important updates being delayed, I doubt that would happen.




I respect your opinion though; just thought I'd share mine. :)

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Alright, my reply:




I would say using the Ignore List (with just player names) would be like censoring them manually.




But you said yourself that you already see the words, and since you can't be adding everyone you see to your ignore list, it isn't a very effective censor. You can't tell someone is about to curse you off just by how they look in RS.







I understand the reasoning of unnecessary updates. But with the Official Update Year for RuneScape, it makes perfect sense to devoid RuneScape of bugs such as this one. If you were to categorize all the bugs throughout RuneScape, I would say this would be on the Top 10 list wouldn't you agree? It is very annoying like I mentioned in Clan Chats with long names, it's hard to predict when it is going to get cut-off and leaves many people frustrated, even Jagex Mods that I have been seeing talking in Clan Chats about various updates. We cannot just not bring up the idea of fixing it just because there are larger projects going on, it has to be fixed someday.




It's actually very easy to predict. Just use your brain, and unless you're in a heated argument and don't notice it, there won't be much of a problem. This wouldn't be such a simple little update because of all the counter-spam measures you need to take and all the restrictions and coding. Just think about how long it took them to figure out the route-finding update. Frankly, I don't think your second suggestion is worth the effort, since no one REALLY benefits. Sure they don't have to pay attention to how much they're typing, but so what? Pressing the enter space isn't very hard.




The ignore list update would be very helpful. It would allow players to chose their own censors and thereby giving Jagex enough insurance that they don't have to worry about the censor ever again. They just need to block some of the "extreme" words and leave the rest to the players to decide. That's the difference. Your first one is very helpful, your second isn't, and would probably take a lot more time.







On the other hand, there are many development teams that work on many different project simultaneously and if you're worried about other more important updates being delayed, I doubt that would happen.





That's true. But that also means that the particular team working on this would not be able to work on something else, which may be more important. For example, if the "player interaction development" (totally made up, but just to make my point) would've handled this, then they can't spend time on other things, maybe for example GE updates, your ignore list suggestion, etc.




So in truth, I think your second idea is more effort than it's worth. However, I think your first idea is good and should be added.

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But you said yourself that you already see the words, and since you can't be adding everyone you see to your ignore list, it isn't a very effective censor. You can't tell someone is about to curse you off just by how they look in RS.


That's exactly my point. Manually doing something usually isn't as effective. In direct relation to the Word Wrapping, you cannot effectively wrap the words perfectly.




It's actually very easy to predict. Just use your brain, and unless you're in a heated argument and don't notice it, there won't be much of a problem.


There you go. That's precisely when you really cannot bother to think about typing out the right amount of letters although it's crucial that you do, so nothing is misunderstood or misspoken.





This wouldn't be such a simple little update because of all the counter-spam measures you need to take and all the restrictions and coding.


We don't know this, there are various ways of doing it, some easier, some harder. Like I mentioned in the post:




*It's common when people say that it's too hard to Jagex to do something, and that is pointless to the actual idea so please, let Jagex decide if it's too difficult, after all the things they've done: I don't think so! :P*





The ignore list update would be very helpful. It would allow players to chose their own censors and thereby giving Jagex enough insurance that they don't have to worry about the censor ever again. They just need to block some of the "extreme" words and leave the rest to the players to decide. That's the difference. Your first one is very helpful, your second isn't, and would probably take a lot more time.


I'm glad you liked it. :)




You did however, create a paragraph listing all the pro's of my Ignore List suggestion, then said that the Word Wrapping idea will not be helpful. I don't believe that is fair, so I'm just speaking for the Word Wrapping idea:




It will allow players to needlessly worry about having to watch for his text from overflowing the chat box, as in does get very frustrating when you're trying to quickly think of reasons or points to say in your message, only to be cut-out by the side of the chat box making you retype it again, possibly making you forget something. Especially people that like to go very in-detail (like me :D), talking about the very specifics, making most of their messages very long and precise. Ever had the most perfectly worded-out sentence? Then somehow lost it and can never get it as good again? This could also stop many of those cases.




I stress a prime example as to explaining things. Like when Jmods were in their clan chats, answering questions about future updates, much of the time was spent re-writing what they had said because it was cut-off by the lack of room within the chat box. That is why I believe this would be a very helpful suggestion for the chat box.




That's true. But that also means that the particular team working on this would not be able to work on something else, which may be more important. For example, if the "player interaction development" (totally made up, but just to make my point) would've handled this, then they can't spend time on other things, maybe for example GE updates, your ignore list suggestion, etc.




Also mentioned:


If you were to categorize all the bugs throughout RuneScape, I would say this would be on the Top 10 list wouldn't you agree?




It would indeed be pretty important. And if there is something more important, no problem, it can wait. I'm not in a hurry. ;)




Altogether, all I'm saying is that it should be thought about. Because it's obviously a problem, and it should be fixed eventually. Wherever it may be on their "priority" list, as long as it's there. :D




P.S. if you liked the Ignore List one, go support it. :thumbsup: Because my Word Wrapping one actually has more posts/supporters right now (along with a Jmod post). :shock:

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You really don't need this. When I said heated debate, I meant like screaming your head off at people.


It will allow players to needlessly worry about having to watch for his text from overflowing the chat box, as in does get very frustrating when you're trying to quickly think of reasons or points to say in your message, only to be cut-out by the side of the chat box making you retype it again, possibly making you forget something. Especially people that like to go very in-detail (like me ), talking about the very specifics, making most of their messages very long and precise. Ever had the most perfectly worded-out sentence? Then somehow lost it and can never get it as good again? This could also stop many of those cases.




I stress a prime example as to explaining things. Like when Jmods were in their clan chats, answering questions about future updates, much of the time was spent re-writing what they had said because it was cut-off by the lack of room within the chat box. That is why I believe this would be a very helpful suggestion for the chat box.




It's an extreme novelty at best. Look, if you accidentally typed out a long message, why can't you just continue from where you left off?








Zaaps1: I like to go to clan wars because its a fun minigame. It helps me get together with my friends and it a nice way to pass time. I really suggest that everyone give clan wars a shot.




What if I was cut off so all you saw was:




Zaaps1: I like to go to clan wars because its a fun minigame. It helps me get together with my friends and it a nice way to pass time. I really...




Why can't I simply type this on the next line?




Zaaps1: suggest that everyone give clan wars a shot.




Not very hard. And in all honesty, if you're typing sentences ahead of the word limit, you aren't being very smart in spacing it out. All it requires is to LOOK at the screen every once in a while and press enter. Not a very hard task.

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Time... time is wasted. And that is precious in various situations (idk, I guess I just thought of it. But it should have been my core reasoning #-o).




Even if it is not very hard. It's still a lot more convenient not having to worry. And some people just don't like seeing their words being cut-off. I respect you persisting that it's not very hard. But I've already given you all the reasons why it wouldn't hurt for it to be implemented.




And I don't believe that a "heated discussion" means screaming your head off. A lot of the time (at least the ones I've been involved in), was speaking rationally (like right now really), and trying to explain as best you can for other people to understand. And that takes a lot of words sometimes.




Again, when Jmods were talking (my best example, and most recent, sorry for repeating), dozens of other people were talking and asking them questions at the same time. It's really hard having to look at and make sure his words don't get cut-off and if it doesn't then it's even worst because he has to re-type the rest to finish it. And by then, another bundle of questions have probably been asked already.

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Time... time is wasted. And that is precious in various situations (idk, I guess I just thought of it. But it should have been my core reasoning #-o).




Even if it is not very hard. It's still a lot more convenient not having to worry. And some people just don't like seeing their words being cut-off. I respect you persisting that it's not very hard. But I've already given you all the reasons why it wouldn't hurt for it to be implemented.




And I don't believe that a "heated discussion" means screaming your head off. A lot of the time (at least the ones I've been involved in), was speaking rationally (like right now really), and trying to explain as best you can for other people to understand. And that takes a lot of words sometimes.




Again, when Jmods were talking (my best example, and most recent, sorry for repeating), dozens of other people were talking and asking them questions at the same time. It's really hard having to look at and make sure his words don't get cut-off and if it doesn't then it's even worst because he has to re-type the rest to finish it. And by then, another bundle of questions have probably been asked already.




I understand that this would be useful. I'd like it too. But my point is that it isn't worth the effort, esp. when there's such an easy solution. Most people will not find a need for something like this. This update would then be tailored to Jmods and people who like to talk in a lot of detail, who also get carried away by talking. Imo, that's not nearly enough people to spend time on this.




I usually get carried away into conversations also. But almost always, the current space is enough. Those times that it isn't, it's only a matter to retyping 2-5 words. You say yourself that there's already a character limit. Well, if there's already a character limit, then what's the point? It would be easy enough to retype those 10-20 characters.

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I understand that this would be useful. I'd like it too. But my point is that it isn't worth the effort, esp. when there's such an easy solution. Most people will not find a need for something like this. This update would then be tailored to Jmods and people who like to talk in a lot of detail, who also get carried away by talking. Imo, that's not nearly enough people to spend time on this.


You can say that the mass majority of the people do not use a sophisticated style of messages, but for those that do, should we be left out?




There's always going to be a group of people that will find a feature useless, like the Ignore List. Some people could care less about the language they see, so it would be a completely useless feature to them. But the point is that it should be readily available to those that need it.




Also, RuneScape Music of example. Many of the people that I've met in RuneScape have told me in one way or another that they don't even use the music tab. But yet it's still there, and is being updated all the time. Why? I believe it's because it's simply needed, even if some people don't use it, it just adds another dimension for those that really want to get into the game (rather than listening to personal music outside of the game). And I think it's the same with this. It's needed, mostly because it just doesn't seem right seeing text over flow the chat box, as it doesn't make sense that there's no music in RuneScape.




And I also find the way text is being handled to be quite prehistoric-like. Just a simple string of words, no editing whatsoever. We have all these fantastic features in RuneScape, and yet the key to socialism, is so primitive still. I just find it irritating.



I usually get carried away into conversations also. But almost always, the current space is enough. Those times that it isn't, it's only a matter to retyping 2-5 words. You say yourself that there's already a character limit. Well, if there's already a character limit, then what's the point? It would be easy enough to retype those 10-20 characters.


Well, that's actually another point that I wanted to mention. Is that if there's a character limit, and we most of the time cannot even reach it before our words get cut-off, then why have it? I'd like to be able to use up my limit, or it seems pretty useless to me. :x




P.S. I find it weird that you and I are the only one posting... #-o

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I understand that this would be useful. I'd like it too. But my point is that it isn't worth the effort, esp. when there's such an easy solution. Most people will not find a need for something like this. This update would then be tailored to Jmods and people who like to talk in a lot of detail, who also get carried away by talking. Imo, that's not nearly enough people to spend time on this.


You can say that the mass majority of the people do not use a sophisticated style of messages, but for those that do, should we be left out?




There's always going to be a group of people that will find a feature useless, like the Ignore List. Some people could care less about the language they see, so it would be a completely useless feature to them. But the point is that it should be readily available to those that need it.




Like RuneScape Music of example. Many of the people that I've met in RuneScape have told me in one way or another that they don't even use the music tab. But yet it's still there, and is being updated all the time. Why? I believe it's because it's simply needed, even if some people don't use it, it just adds another dimension for those that really want to get into the game (rather than listening to personal music outside of the game). And I think it's the same with this. It's needed, mostly because it just doesn't seem right seeing text over flow the chat box, as it doesn't make sense that there's no music in RuneScape.




And I also find the way text is being handled to be quite prehistoric-like. Just a simple string of words, no editing whatsoever. We have all these fantastic features in RuneScape, and yet the key to socialism, is so primitive still. I just find it irritating.




But why make a special feature for a small minority when the time is better spent on updates that will benefit the majority? Of course you shouldn't be SHUNNED, but just because you decide to write longer messages doesn't mean you get special treatment. Plus, it would be more "sophisticated" to solve the problem yourself and just press enter near the middle of the sentence. I know it's hard the first few times, but once you get used to it, it's automatic, and this ceases to be a problem.




The ignore list would most likely benefit the majority. Everyone can be annoyed by language, so everyone should get the option to not be annoyed by language.




Music does add another dimension, and it creates a better gameplay experience for those who listen to it. Every game has music, no matter how good the game or the music is. That's because it's such a good enhancer, as you say. However, you can't draw a parallel between Music and Text-Wrapping. Music creates a more realistic feel, while Text-Wrapping is a luxury, at best.




The chat in Runescape is simple, but effective. It doesn't need any fancy features. While typing too much is annoying, I think you're missing the point: It's so easy to prevent.






I usually get carried away into conversations also. But almost always, the current space is enough. Those times that it isn't, it's only a matter to retyping 2-5 words. You say yourself that there's already a character limit. Well, if there's already a character limit, then what's the point? It would be easy enough to retype those 10-20 characters.


Well, that's actually another point that I wanted to mention. Is that if there's a character limit, and we most of the time cannot even reach it before our words get cut-off, then why have it? I'd like to be able to use up my limit, or it seems pretty useless to me. :x




P.S. I find it weird that you and I are the only one posting... #-o




Because if the character limit was smaller, you wouldn't be able to type enough because, as you said, some characters are bigger than others. If the current one is 100 (guessing right here) and a few go over, fine. But if it was 60, half the time you wouldn't use the entire space when you type a full response, because the limit is so low. That's just a waste of space.




So just making the character limit smaller solves nothing. It's essentially creating more problems and solves very little.




The suggestions forum isn't a very popular forum. Idk why, I guess people just don't like reading long posts that usually don't get added. I've had about 10 or so really long suggestions. I don't think any have made it over 5 pages. It's an unpopular forum, that's all.

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But why make a special feature for a small minority when the time is better spent on updates that will benefit the majority? Of course you shouldn't be SHUNNED, but just because you decide to write longer messages doesn't mean you get special treatment. Plus, it would be more "sophisticated" to solve the problem yourself and just press enter near the middle of the sentence. I know it's hard the first few times, but once you get used to it, it's automatic, and this ceases to be a problem.




The ignore list would most likely benefit the majority. Everyone can be annoyed by language, so everyone should get the option to not be annoyed by language.




Music does add another dimension, and it creates a better gameplay experience for those who listen to it. Every game has music, no matter how good the game or the music is. That's because it's such a good enhancer, as you say. However, you can't draw a parallel between Music and Text-Wrapping. Music creates a more realistic feel, while Text-Wrapping is a luxury, at best.




The chat in Runescape is simple, but effective. It doesn't need any fancy features. While typing too much is annoying, I think you're missing the point: It's so easy to prevent.


Telling people to keep trying or/and get used to it isn't the best way to deal with problems. If that's the case, the many hundreds of bugs that have come up could been derailed of their priority to their fix because they can just 'deal with it'.




And no I don't not believe many people can be annoyed by the language. In fact, the majority of the people I know do not care, because they see themselves as "grown-ups" and can take it (I firmly disagree with this, but I'm just saying. And the majority of them are male), and since they use it themselves, they permit it. Unless you are talking about phrases which to an extent everyone will be annoyed by, I will agree. However, once they figure out how to block those it's not in the picture. So it is in-fact, an optional feature, as many have even made it a notepad for them to jot down notes, etc (just how useless some people found it to be).




And music you say, that's is a plain art, also considered luxury. And I'm not talking about sound effects, that is necessary. But music, it gives a mood the the area, place, and what you're doing: luxury.




And what about the dozens of luxurious updates that's been added? Biggest one of them all: Graphics. You can stay like RSC can't you? RS2D, and so on. But it what's important is demand, and as I've observed, I've already seen not only many people support/post on my thread, but also a high ratio of people that agreed that it was, not only a good idea, but a really good idea.





Because if the character limit was smaller, you wouldn't be able to type enough because, as you said, some characters are bigger than others. If the current one is 100 (guessing right here) and a few go over, fine. But if it was 60, half the time you wouldn't use the entire space when you type a full response, because the limit is so low. That's just a waste of space.




So just making the character limit smaller solves nothing. It's essentially creating more problems and solves very little.




The suggestions forum isn't a very popular forum. Idk why, I guess people just don't like reading long posts that usually don't get added. I've had about 10 or so really long suggestions. I don't think any have made it over 5 pages. It's an unpopular forum, that's all.


I never suggested to lower the character limit. It was my point as to why we should have text wrapping.




And I totally understand, long strings of text bores me (believe it or not). And that's why I tried making my post as lively as possible. And I also really liked the posts that had pictures that illustrated how the idea could work if implemented. It makes it so much more enjoyable.

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Telling people to keep trying or/and get used to it isn't the best way to deal with problems. If that's the case, the many hundreds of bugs that have come up could been derailed of their priority to their fix because they can just 'deal with it'.




And no I don't not believe many people can be annoyed by the language. In fact, the majority of the people I know do not care, because they see themselves as "grown-ups" and can take it (I firmly disagree with this, but I'm just saying. And the majority of them are male), and since they use it themselves, they permit it. Unless you are talking about phrases which to an extent everyone will be annoyed by, however once they figure out how to block those it's not in the picture. So it is in-fact, an optional feature, as many have even made it a notepad for them to jot down notes, etc.




And music you say, that's is a plain art, also considered luxury. And I'm not talking about sound effects, that is necessary. But music, it gives a mood the the area, place, and what you're doing: luxury.




And what about the dozens of luxurious updates that's been added? Biggest one of them all: Graphics. You can stay like RSC can't you? RS2D, and so on. But it what's important is demand, and as I've observed, I've already seen not only many people support/post on my thread, but also a high ratio of people that agreed that it was, not only a good idea, but a really good idea.




Number corresponds to paragraph




1) Bugs are abusable. This is not. You NEED to fix bugs, otherwise things like the recent PvP glitch will happen, people will cheat. I can't see how people will cheating using the current system




2) By language I don't mean swearing, I do in fact mean general language that's simply annoying, eg. noob, go away, go cut yews, etc. I've stated why the Ignore list update is good, because it allows players to choose their own censors and thereby end the ancient war against Jagex's filter. All features are optional, it's how useful they are that makes a difference, thus leading to a greater popular use.




3) This is a game, you NEED music to create the mood of the game, which is essential to the gameplay. The reason why people don't listen to RS music is because, in their minds, RS ceases to be a game to enjoy but a game to win. At that point, they don't care about the music. But for those who play for enjoyment, the music is NECESSARY.




4) Graphics provide a bigger user base because it allows the game to be more attractive to new users. It also enhances the general gameplay experience while Text-wrapping is situational, at best. Not many people make long, detailed speeches often.




Demand is important, but so is logic. There are such things as illogical demands. And if I may be honest, I think your Text-wrapping idea is an illogical demand because it is unnecessary. (Not to be insulting or anything, but that's my honest opinion.) Most people don't even type replies that long, and once again, those who do can prevent it simply by pressing [Enter].




There's also a line of difference between a "really good idea" and a "necessary idea". I'll take my own suggestions as an example. My Foraging Skill, Dragonkin GM Quest, and the other few quests I've typed out are "really good ideas" (based on general feedback as well), but in no way "necessary ideas". However, my Expansion of the Costume Room and Reviving Smithing ideas are "necessary ideas" because they solve critical problems in Runescape. Among suggestions, there is a hierarchy. The "necessary ideas" that solve pressing and critical problems take priority over "really good ideas". "Really good ideas" are what makes advances but "Necessary ideas" are the ones that keep RS from going backward. That being said, "necessary ideas" should be added first, and any leftover time or resources should THEN be spent on "really good ideas". And as far as I can see, this isn't "necessary", but I will admit, a "really good idea".

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Very well thought out. I could not think of anything else to say because I agreed with all that you've said. However, you've pointed out yourself something I've been trying to tell you this whole time.




That being said, "necessary ideas" should be added first, and any leftover time or resources should THEN be spent on "really good ideas".


:D :D :D




It was a mind-throbbing debate and I enjoyed it very much. It was nice sharing opinions with you. :)

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Very well thought out. I could not think of anything else to say because I agreed with all that you've said. However, you've pointed out yourself something I've been trying to tell you this whole time.




That being said, "necessary ideas" should be added first, and any leftover time or resources should THEN be spent on "really good ideas".


:D :D :D




It was a mind-throbbing debate and I enjoyed it very much. It was nice sharing opinions with you. :)




Thank you, same. It was a nice discussion ::'




Alright, so I guess I'll say that Text-Wrapping would be nice to have, true, but should only be added once the more necessary updates are.

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