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pest control... :/


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Pretty much the objective of the game is to keep the Void Knight in the center alive while destroying the portals around the edges of the island. Everytime a portal is destroyed, the Void Knight will be healed. You need to do atleast 50 damage during the game to get points if your team wins. I think thats basically it.... :thumbsup:

99 HP, Attack, Strength, Defence, Summoning, Ranged, Herblore, Prayer, Agility, Magic, Slayer, Fletching, Fishing, Woodcutting, Mining, and Thieving.


Jagex'd out of my untrimmed hp cape on 6/14/2011.

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When you see a portal's shield go down, run as fast as you can to it and take it down.




When your see hordes of monsters attacking the Void Knight, kill them all. There are usually enough people to cover the shifters, but stick around outside the gates and kill the ranging/maging ones.




Always close gates behind you, unless it's in the beginning of the game and everyone is rushing through the gates.




That's the bare bones basics. You'll pick up on the more advanced techniques and you progress.

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thank you everyone this helps alot...


so tell me of these advanced techniques








I'll probably end up confusing you more, but most involve spacing and so forth that give little benefits.




For example if you stand in certain spots in front of walls, the rangers/magers won't directly attack the Void Knight and instead go to the closed gate (they normally wouldn't if you didn't stand there).




You can also lure certain monsters at certain locations to teleport behind the gates, so they're harmless there.




You can hide behind portals.




Despite popular belief, you still CAN lure away spinners, but it's situational.




Portals have different combat weaknesses. Yellow to slash, red to crush, purple to mage, and blue to ranged. This, btw, is the reason why the yellow portal gets owned so quickly.




Once the first two portal's shields are unlocked, you know the order of the last two. I don't remember the orders right now, but play enough games and you'll figure it out. The red portal, btw, is NEVER first.




All I can think of atm.

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Just attack all monsters you see. You should attack spinners first. Attack the portal when they are open. If you see the health bar going back up, that means that a spinner is nearby so attack it.




You shouldn't blindly attack monsters. Certain monsters take priority. For example, the typical order is: spinners, ravengers, brawlers, torchers, shifters, then the ranging ones whose name escapes me atm.




Don't fear the poison of spinners either. It's pathetic.




Don't fear death either. There's no penalty. It's a good thing, if anything, since it restores your prayer.




Don't attack in bouncers (or w/e, the exploding ones). You can catch a barricade or teammate in the ending blast, even if you avoid it. Plus, all the dharokers will yell at you.

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