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A seperate trade window or chat box freeze!


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I think everyone here has experienced this...you're at world 1 or something trying to sell/buy when there are hundreds of other players saying all sorts of stuff...and really there is no point of even HAVING a chat box. u advertise something, and then somebody is trying to trade with you, but you dont know who that person is cuz thers a million ppl standing in the same spot...and u hav to scroll up all the way to find their name...and by the time u find it....the person's gone.








potential solutions?








i thought of having a small trade window somewhere in the corner of ur screen so that u can get a list of all the ppl who want to trade u and u dont lose the names--in case u have to report them or something.








Another thing that would be helpful is a chat box freeze, where u can completely stop all incoming chat in order to find ur trader.








Agree? :wink:








[mod edit] no need to use capitalized letters on a title

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potential solutions?












Put chat box to hide. Just pay attention to the text, when a trade comes up, it will stay there for a awhile. When I merchant on worlds, the "hide" button has gotten me ALOT of trades. Infact you trade so fast, the noob traading you keeps sending requests lol.

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Hmm... I started something like this awhile ago here








From what the people said, what would happen when the screen unfroze? Would the chat start over or would the whole load of text flood the screen?












The text should start over. The only way it would/should flood is if you lagged and came back.

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