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F2P training spots: Lessers or Ankous?


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Hii, I'm wondering, being F2P, where the best place for me to train (Range) is. I've always trained at Karamja Lessers, but is that the best I can do? Would Ankous be better to fight? :?




Hoping for some helpful answers, thanks in advance! :D

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I'd pick ankous, whenever I train there (melee) they seem to drop adamant arrows and law runes fairly often netting a reasonable profit (For a F2per)



Woodcutting does not raise your combat level because most people do not play as yew trees.
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Flesh Crawlers if you've got low defense, Giant Spiders if your defense is above 80. That's the best ranged xp in f2p, reaching 40k xp per hour.




If you need more info, just stop on by to my guide. The link is in my signature, it's the combat guide, not the star hunting one.

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Moss Giants on Crandor




That's where I trained on F2P. Even with low defence next to no food used, decent prayer from big bones, and mainly stackable/alchable drops. I believe there was also Adamant Ore nearby to mine for cash/xp. :thumbsup:




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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Well, to be honest, neither of those two spots are "the best". The way i remember it Ice Warriors and Ice Giants are the best way to train range in F2P. I got 85 there myself (f2p).



**Thanks to Boo_Boy666 for my amazing Singnature**

[hide=Slaytanicc's Achievments]|99Cooking achieved 24Dec 2008|99Strength achieved 17Feb 2009|99Hit Points achieved 8April 2009|

|99Defense achieved 29May 2009|99Attack achieved 2August 2009|99Ranged achieved 14August 2009|[/hide]

[hide=Guides by Slaytanicc]Aviansie Maging + Ranging Guide (Must Read!!)

Iron Mining + Banking Guide

Green Dragons Guide

Ankou Slaying Guide[/hide]

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