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>break up with girlfriend because she's annoying

>month later, tries to add me on facebook


>5 months later requests me again

>lol ok

>she starts liking the pages of bands that basically only i like

>it's completely obvious she doesn't actually listen to them

>she's trying to get my attention

>delete her as a friend




>see her at the mall a few weeks later



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This one time i had a girlfriend.

Her friends pretty much wanted us to have sex on the spot.

We did not.

Later discover shes pretty weird and really doesnt talk.

Break it off.


Passed my opportunity for sexy time.

Only regret it sometimes.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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So I guess my new bike route is 11 miles, 4 more miles compared to my old route.


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Not a fan of biking myself.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Im taking Chemistry Honors next year.

Along with Astronomy.

And Phys ed. I want two semesters of Phys Ed actually.

US History...I really want to take both Economics and Psychology, but I don't know if it will work out, schedule wise...

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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well im off for tonight

tired again

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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Sup halo.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Advanced Band?

Which reminds me, we are doing songs from the first Pirates of the Caribbean in Band now. :thumbup:

Yeah I don't know if I want to take AP English...

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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runescape question

what should i smith for 70-80 smithing

50 right now

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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What do you do in Advanced Band?


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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we got marching band and jazz band and stoof but those kids are just a section of regular band.



God dammit Seany, STOP SHARING MY MIND

" I believe in something greater than myself. A better world. A world without sin. I'm not going to live there. There's no place for me there... I'm a monster.What I do is evil. I have no illusions about it, but it must be done."

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Play advanced stuff. The music program at our school is effin' amazing apparently. Advanced percussion has won multiple national titles. But advanced band you have to try out for by playing individually to the band director.


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