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Last one to post wins


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So Cyndi had an unfortunate thing happen to her this evening. When both her kidneys were infected, she didn't know what was going on, so she went to the emergency room. Tonight, her mom handed her the $950 bill and said it was her responsibility. I have so many thoughts on this, but I was a friend. Basically, I told her it sucks but she'll figure it out. It sucks that she just quit her other job because she could be working splits to get moar money (plus, the other job is 5 minutes from home versus 20). It's coming up on Christmas season, and she gave up a job in retail. She let her love of her boyfriend's family take away a financial opportunity that she needed. While I was asking about it, seeing if she was calming down, etc, she told me that everyone was telling her to talk to her mom about it. Yeah, the idea crossed my mind, but as someone who might still know her better than anyone else does, I know she'll never do that. She's never faced her mom; she fears her mom more than anything else. I knew better than to suggest that to her. She's afraid her mom will kick her out or just yell at her, defeating her confidence.


The silent part of me held in that she wants to be treated as an adult. She tells me about how she's "starting her own life", but it's all things she's discussed with jerkoff. It's all about moving in with him and getting engaged and joining his family. When it's so hard for her to handle her finances responsibly, there's no way her dreams with him will work. She's dreaming about playing house. There's no way she'll have enough money saved to move next year if they're still together. If she did figure it out by some insane "miracle", what would happen if she got sick again? Yeah, jerkoff has all the resources of his university like health services, and he has scholarship money and savings and whatnot, but there's no way they could be 'independent' together. She wants to be grown up, but her decisions are still immature. I know I'm not ready to be an independent adult; I live in a dorm with hundreds of other students, I have student loans and scholarships covering everything and won't have to face those for years, I have a meal plan to feed me twice a day and tons of other food in my room from my parents, I can ask my mom for money anytime, I've never driven a car and wouldn't have one to drive anyway so I depend on others to get where I need to go, I have insurance cards from my parents, and I don't think of myself as independent. If she tried to move up with him, she wouldn't have insurance (she doesn't have the balls to ask for anything from her mom), she wouldn't have people to ask for money from besides jerkoff (who has no steady income during the school months), she'd have to find a job in a town full of college kids who want minimum-wage jobs, she wouldn't be able to live in student housing, and countless other problems. She hasn't thought about it in the literal way I have.


So basically, she's being treated as an adult and doesn't like it. I can't say it's completely fair that her parents are making her foot the entire bill because it's not like she knew what was wrong and that she could have gone to urgent care or something, and most people our age are still fully supported by their parents, but this is the way it is. She babysits her brother and drives him to free daycare when she can't watch him and receives nothing for that, and pays $30 for her phone each month (which I disagree with due to the babysitting), but she's being held responsible. It sucks, but it wouldn't be as much of a problem if she had held onto her other job and didn't spend tons of money on gas driving to the restaurant and visiting her boyfriend (and me for that matter) and didn't impulse buy clothes and $28 animal hats and whatnot. We'll see what happens. I feel bad for her, but I didn't know what to say because I can't offer any solution she wants to hear.

Maybe now she'll listen to you?


[hide]I highly doubt it.[/hide]



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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I'm pretty sure yesterday morning I entered Silent Hill. I was in the uni, and I go to the bathroom, and dear god... that bathroom. half of the lights were dead, it was all dark, black dirt that resembled some kind of paint on each and every surface, including the ceiling. The stench filled the air. There were puddles of black liquid all over the floor, all the stalls doors were missing, toillets clogged, the mirror stained so much you could barely see your own reflection on it. I don't know what the [bleep] happened there, but last Friday that bathroom was A-OK.

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@ Emily - Its possible that her boyfriend will bail her out of this and she'll be even more dependent and stupidly in love with him than ever before. She'll mistake giving money for being obvious husband material.


@ Goon - Wait, this is news to some people? I've been praying to the Great Endergod for years

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I can't work more on my major (Spanish)

What can you do with a [language] major?


Haha, that's great.


Second most, to my knowledge. Behind Trippeh.

I had the most for the longest time, then some admin or something made it so I can't get any more views :(




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Banjo-Kazooie is probably the most nostalgia-filled game for me. I played it so much when I was little. I remember being scared of the shark that appeared in a couple of the levels. Now that I think about it, I never actually beat it. I've never been in the last level.

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