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Returning to member's - What would you do?


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So after ~5 months of not having members due to school, I am finally getting it back.




With that said, I was wondering what I should do. I already have 91 thieving planned but I'm not totally sure what I want to do after that. Tell me what you would do and I just might give it a try.








I was considering working on combat via slayer and using the charms for summoning but idk if I want to do combat just yet.


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If I were you I'd do a bit of everything to start with. 5 months is a long time to go without membership and it'll probably take you a while to find what you enjoy doing most. Once you've found a skill that you enjoy then you can go about setting goals for yourself. As for training combat via slayer, I highly recommend it. From your stats you definitely seem to favour skilling and I think that the variety that slayer provides will keep you interested if and when you decide to start training your combat again.




Personally, if I owned your account, I'd make money skilling and then perhaps spend it on training range via chinning or magic by superheating or glass-making. You could also perhaps burst rock lobsters if you were particularly interested in training summoning.




Most importantly, have fun! ::'

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I'm not too big on spending money on skills especially when there is a less expensive way. I highly doubt I'd mage rock lobsters since it's overly expensive and I could get mage exp from alching (which is something I can start from scratch - i.e make my own nats, bows, etc..)




Making money also isn't really my strong point. I'm terrible at merching and I tend to spread out the money I have over 2 or more skills.


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I probably will go the combat route (at least for a few combat levels) until my friend wants me to train thieving with him. He has to max out all his other stats first which will be soon so I have time to get cmb up.


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Wohow, nice skills! I'm going to get members back too in about a month. ::'


For me, personally, I'd immediately do all the new quests!


For you, on the other hand, yea it might be good to train your slayer cause everything else is already very nice!




Good luck! :thumbsup:

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