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[TWR]Tempted Killers defeats Downfall


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Nice win tk. =D>




Newfy your weird.




I can come up with an example but would make me and legendz look bad.


Solace Member

Silent Ember Warlord

Tko Blitz Trial Member

Condemned Army Member

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Was a nice fight, unfortunately on my new keyboard instead of "impr pant pet sis" theres "power" and when I wanted to take a pic of "welcome to df country " spam my comp shut down and I couldnt make it back on time.




we were always 8-10 kills back on the score till nyk pulled a beast tank and they ultrasniped our binders.




GJ tk.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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lol gratz on win TK, lol at parti, he just stayed appearing infront of people


Unlucky pull DF


Good job to both ;)




TK had some great tanks, like Mr Snickers, Nykimu, Khaloude which gave advantage to TK

Join Downfall 100+!



My Siggies! :)


http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2158/27077559.jpg (ehh can't upload)

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Watched the fight, DF did great and got some impressive kills. :thumbup:




TK were the better clan on the day though, good job TK!




PS: Who's that hottie with the Fletching cape at the bottom of the last pic? <3:


gratz tk anddd there is a hawter guy standing next to you <3: (pink cape berserker helm ftw)



Currently in: Echo Of Silence


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