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[TWR]Tempted Killers defeat The Death Monkeighs Warring List


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Hi Tip.it Community




On 7th July, Thuesday took place long waited rematch of TK vs TDMWL


War was tight, we were outleveled a bit. Smart leadership brought us win




Formality :




Declaration topic: viewtopic.php?f=216&t=797325




Winning clan: Tempted Killer's memberlist: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=soulz


Losing clan: The Death Monkeighs Warring List : http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tdmwar




So to the war:








We had to cut to 19












War was so tight. Both teams tanked well but it was even. At some point it looked it's gonna be 1 vs 1 deathmatch at end








Then TDMWL finally piled our tank and of course he brought us win




They mass sniped a bit but it was clear that Tempted Killers gonna win




Ending picture:








Good fight TDMWL


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GF TK and grats on win. We were just having wretched luck with the hitting and binds. Plus I don't remember mass sniping. We did use center tactic near the end, and when there were only 3 or so of us left, yeah, we did run around and hit whoever we saw in robes, but no mass sniping.




Anyway, thanks for the respectable fight. You guys had a quite a few pro tanks. Well done.

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Good job Tempted Killers, and good effort TDMWL :)<3


Retired RS player.

Retired TKO member.

Team TKO Blitz:

110+ Combat|90+ Defense|Always Bind|Always Tank|Always Listen






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