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It takes a HUGE amount of time to go to the altar at ZMs. It's a much better idea to simply bring ppots.


It takes 60 seconds.




...I don't know what your concept of 'HUGE' is, but I think I have different standards. :?




I find zombie monkeys a solid alternative for someone who doesn't feel like doing the quest for AZs, or doesn't like crowded worlds.


Ok it takes 60 seconds. So every 5 minutes you need to go recharge at the altar, spending 60 seconds, or another minute of time. So overall, you lose 11 minutes of time over the course of an hour. That's equal to about 12k xp at ZMs. So by not bringing ppots, you get 12k xp less per hour, more if you use a familiar.




So now let's see. The xp per hour of ZMs (recharging at altar) would be 98k per hour, with a loss of 20k per hour (on pure sets). Compare to that AZs, which is 100k per hour with a profit of 180k per hour. That's a 200k different between loss/profit, meaning that you "spend" 200k per hour at ZMs (since you are forfeiting potential money).


Couldn't have said it better myself.

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zaaps1: I made the pots about 4 years ago.




So you did. That proves nothing.




If you spent 5 minutes making pots 4 years ago, does that mean it's worth less than 5 minutes right now? No. It's still 5 minutes of your time, regardless when you spent it.




Plus, remember are aren't talking about you. We're talking about typical training. We can't assume that everyone made their own potions years ago. We can only assume that they'll make the potions NOW, or buy them. Those are the only viable options.

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so would it be a good method if i took a bunch of p pots but recharged at the altar? and only used to p pots in istarted to run low?




You misunderstand what I mean. I'm saying that ZMs are NEVER a good option. Let's compare:




AZs: 100k xp/hour, 180k profit/hour


ZMs (altar recharge): 98k xp/hour, -20k profit/hour (eg. 20k loss)


ZMs (ppots only): 110k xp/hour, -105k profit/hour (eg. 105k loss)




AZs compared to method 1 of ZMs would mean you are "paying" 200k in order to get 2k LESS xp per hour. That doesn't make sense does it? So Recharging at the altar is a completely worthless method.




How about method 2? You are "paying" 285k in order to get 10k MORE xp per hour. How much does that 10k per hour save you? Well, you get 10k xp in 6 minutes. So that means you are "paying" 285k in order to save 6 minutes of time. If you can make 285k (profit) or more in 6 minutes, then ZMs are the better option. However, making 285k in 6 minutes means that you must be able to make 2.85m per hour. That is almost impossible to achieve, unless you are extremely skilled in merchanting. No other method gets you an average of 2.85m per hour (you can't count getting "lucky" at GWD or 26k'ing because that doesn't give you an AVERAGE). Therefore, ZMs are a bad way to train combat. There is almost no one who can say ZMs are better for them over AZs, if you look at it this way.

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so would it be a good method if i took a bunch of p pots but recharged at the altar? and only used to p pots in istarted to run low?




You misunderstand what I mean. I'm saying that ZMs are NEVER a good option. Let's compare:




AZs: 100k xp/hour, 180k profit/hour


ZMs (altar recharge): 98k xp/hour, -20k profit/hour (eg. 20k loss)


ZMs (ppots only): 110k xp/hour, -105k profit/hour (eg. 105k loss)




AZs compared to method 1 of ZMs would mean you are "paying" 200k in order to get 2k LESS xp per hour. That doesn't make sense does it? So Recharging at the altar is a completely worthless method.




How about method 2? You are "paying" 285k in order to get 10k MORE xp per hour. How much does that 10k per hour save you? Well, you get 10k xp in 6 minutes. So that means you are "paying" 285k in order to save 6 minutes of time. If you can make 285k (profit) or more in 6 minutes, then ZMs are the better option. However, making 285k in 6 minutes means that you must be able to make 2.85m per hour. That is almost impossible to achieve, unless you are extremely skilled in merchanting. No other method gets you an average of 2.85m per hour (you can't count getting "lucky" at GWD or 26k'ing because that doesn't give you an AVERAGE). Therefore, ZMs are a bad way to train combat. There is almost no one who can say ZMs are better for them over AZs, if you look at it this way.

i think you misunderstand me. i knowthat AZs are best. i dont deny it. but i am not goig to do the 15+ hours i would have to put in to do the quest when i could be doing something else for those 15 hours. i am looking for a place i have acess to now. therefore as far as i can tell my choices are betwee the ZMs or the gorillas.



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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so would it be a good method if i took a bunch of p pots but recharged at the altar? and only used to p pots in istarted to run low?




You misunderstand what I mean. I'm saying that ZMs are NEVER a good option. Let's compare:




AZs: 100k xp/hour, 180k profit/hour


ZMs (altar recharge): 98k xp/hour, -20k profit/hour (eg. 20k loss)


ZMs (ppots only): 110k xp/hour, -105k profit/hour (eg. 105k loss)




AZs compared to method 1 of ZMs would mean you are "paying" 200k in order to get 2k LESS xp per hour. That doesn't make sense does it? So Recharging at the altar is a completely worthless method.




How about method 2? You are "paying" 285k in order to get 10k MORE xp per hour. How much does that 10k per hour save you? Well, you get 10k xp in 6 minutes. So that means you are "paying" 285k in order to save 6 minutes of time. If you can make 285k (profit) or more in 6 minutes, then ZMs are the better option. However, making 285k in 6 minutes means that you must be able to make 2.85m per hour. That is almost impossible to achieve, unless you are extremely skilled in merchanting. No other method gets you an average of 2.85m per hour (you can't count getting "lucky" at GWD or 26k'ing because that doesn't give you an AVERAGE). Therefore, ZMs are a bad way to train combat. There is almost no one who can say ZMs are better for them over AZs, if you look at it this way.

i think you misunderstand me. i knowthat AZs are best. i dont deny it. but i am not goig to do the 15+ hours i would have to put in to do the quest when i could be doing something else for those 15 hours. i am looking for a place i have acess to now. therefore as far as i can tell my choices are betwee the ZMs or the gorillas.




Reread your post. Yes I did misunderstand you. Sorry about that.




ZMs and Gorillas, in that case, are both terrible options. Gorillas are even lower xp, something like 70k.




Best option for you, then, would be to DH Skeleton Monkeys. It's 140k+ per hour at a cost of about 150k-ish. There's a guide in the AoW.

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so would it be a good method if i took a bunch of p pots but recharged at the altar? and only used to p pots in istarted to run low?




You misunderstand what I mean. I'm saying that ZMs are NEVER a good option. Let's compare:




AZs: 100k xp/hour, 180k profit/hour


ZMs (altar recharge): 98k xp/hour, -20k profit/hour (eg. 20k loss)


ZMs (ppots only): 110k xp/hour, -105k profit/hour (eg. 105k loss)




AZs compared to method 1 of ZMs would mean you are "paying" 200k in order to get 2k LESS xp per hour. That doesn't make sense does it? So Recharging at the altar is a completely worthless method.




How about method 2? You are "paying" 285k in order to get 10k MORE xp per hour. How much does that 10k per hour save you? Well, you get 10k xp in 6 minutes. So that means you are "paying" 285k in order to save 6 minutes of time. If you can make 285k (profit) or more in 6 minutes, then ZMs are the better option. However, making 285k in 6 minutes means that you must be able to make 2.85m per hour. That is almost impossible to achieve, unless you are extremely skilled in merchanting. No other method gets you an average of 2.85m per hour (you can't count getting "lucky" at GWD or 26k'ing because that doesn't give you an AVERAGE). Therefore, ZMs are a bad way to train combat. There is almost no one who can say ZMs are better for them over AZs, if you look at it this way.

i think you misunderstand me. i knowthat AZs are best. i dont deny it. but i am not goig to do the 15+ hours i would have to put in to do the quest when i could be doing something else for those 15 hours. i am looking for a place i have acess to now. therefore as far as i can tell my choices are betwee the ZMs or the gorillas.




Reread your post. Yes I did misunderstand you. Sorry about that.




ZMs and Gorillas, in that case, are both terrible options. Gorillas are even lower xp, something like 70k.




Best option for you, then, would be to DH Skeleton Monkeys. It's 140k+ per hour at a cost of about 150k-ish. There's a guide in the AoW.

well i would only be able to afford Dh if i sol my whip and dragon hatchet...neither ofwhich i am selling...so i guess ZMs wth a few p pots it is then



Verac- Helm, Brassard x 2,

Torag- Body, Hammers

Karil- Crossbow

Guthan- Body

Ahrim- Hood, Staff

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I think it'd be worth a try to go there without DH and see what it's like. It's faster than ZMs, I can tell you that.




If I were you, I'd give them a try with standard praying gear (prossy, etc.). What do you have to lose, after all?

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What do you have to lose, after all?


Apparently, 285k an hour. :roll:




But he refuses to do the quests necessary to do AZs, do that doesn't apply here ::'




So for him, it's a difference between ZMs and Skeleton Monkeys. So there really isn't much to lose.

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