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Team Power Rangers defeat Akeldama | Power ranger pride<3


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Stop flaming you from now on? We didn't waste your time with a war. You wasted ours, of course we were going to be pissed.




Never once did I blame you for us not having binds, don't know what you are getting at there.




You could of declined it.. Well done TPR, hope to fight along yourside soon! :)




Not sure if you know what happened, I can't very well decline a war that was already accepted can I?




Our time was wasted at the previous war because we were told they could pull around 13, and when it came down to time to fight, they only had 6. (Not trying to beat a dead horse here, just informing him of what happened)






sounded to me like you were using the binds as an excuse.




One thing is saying ur annoyed by our pull, and that you dont want to war, other is rushing us, spamming us, flamebaiting us, and flaming us, all the way from the cwa to bh to the tif aftermath.








^I know you werent there,(first fight ever) but heres the vid.




How did it sound like I was trying to use binds as an excuse? All I did was state a fact by saying that we didn't have them.




gl rebuilding




Lol? Not even going to go there with you.

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from loveisevol point of view:






Our time was wasted at the previous war because we were told they could pull around 13, and when it came down to time to fight, they only had 6. (Not trying to beat a dead horse here, just informing him of what happened)






And we already explained and apologized, then for the 9000th time all u did was rushin us with all ur opts and flamin us from cwa to bh to tif boards etc but Im gonna drop the discussion because the beef is squashed and we now gave you a decent fight , and showed whos the best.




person who won the most awards: Generaldesor


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from loveisevol point of view:






Our time was wasted at the previous war because we were told they could pull around 13, and when it came down to time to fight, they only had 6. (Not trying to beat a dead horse here, just informing him of what happened)






And we already explained and apologized, then for the 9000th time all u did was rushin us with all ur opts and flamin us from cwa to bh to tif boards etc but Im gonna drop the discussion because the beef is squashed and we now gave you a decent fight , and showed whos the best.




Ok. I guess you didn't get my meaning when I said I WASN'T trying to beat a dead horse ( as we let that topic die) I was just INFORMING him of what happened.




Anyways, I'm done on this topic.

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