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This normal for ep?


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Umm i was at mems pking didn't have to much luck on drops since claw rushers for some reason where attracted to my looks. But anyways back to subject. I had like 32%ep in members and when i went to non members to pk i had 108%. Is this normal?







"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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MY guess is your ep would be worth more in members then in non members so to balance it out they gave you more ep but to get crappy suff




Members = Low ep = decent stuff




Non = high ep = more but crappys [cabbage]




this is just my guess maybe its a glitch

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ep is worth more on free worlds as you get worse loot.




eg on a members world 32% ep would be getting you low end stuff like addy and rune




But on a free world addy and rune would be the high end stuff so to get them you need like 100% ep




So the ep differs between worlds


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I believe the most expensive artefact non-members are able to receive is the Bandos scrimshaw. So yes, your EP will be significantly increased should you gain it in a P2P world and hop to F2P afterward to make up for the fact.




EDIT: 'Basically restated what everyone else has already said, now that I've read over everything. Sorry. :lol:

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ok. but why is my ep randomly dropping now. im not running im not teleing anything.




Just standing in a spot its losing percentage



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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Your EP is decreasing? :?




Is it continuing to do so past 100%? The only thing I can think of is that excess EP may expire over time and settle at 100% if you don't use it quickly enough, but this is only speculation, since I've never heard of any member spending their EP in F2P. :|

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I believe tht was one of jagexs fixes to stop leeching and tricking. You gotta be pking to gain/keep ep




Either that or it should drop down to 100% and stop (as it shuldnt be over 100% to beign with)


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its draining while im pking. I just killed a guy and lost 14% from 90 so i had 76% now its at 38% and im always fighting. I'm not losing any atm because they're all to afraid to lose their items and are running



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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So you're losing it while fighting?




You do realise you ep drops when you get ANY drops at all right?




Oh and teleporting drains ep


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Most probably I'd say people dying that you did most damage on.




Like if you did 50 damage and they had 30 hp left then someone else killed them you still get the drop so u lose the ep


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Then I'd rule it down to




a) Bug/glitch




B) Jagex have made it so doing nothing makes u lose ep


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im not doing nothing im fighting people like normal.




This is first time it does it and now im at 2%



"I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American."Daniel Webster


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