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Suggestion - Ranged skill - More then a bow and arrow?


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This idea in which I have conjured up in my mind is about taking the skill of range and enhance it into a more extensive an useful tool.








1-A. When using range in the wilderness, rangers could be able to perceive danger from a distance away.








Breaking 1-A down








Scenario 1: Let's say your the ranger, and you are pacing yourself through the wild trying to find trouble. Then ramdomly your chat box displays to you that you think you see something in a given direction (north, south, east, west, and or counter clockwise directions). The reason why I say think instead of a sure answer is because the higher you range level the more accurate you will sense things for surety.








This indication message isn't going to make you travel a long distance out trying to find a person to brawl with. It should track up to areas near by or within walking distance from point A, B, and then to point C (point C being the next part of the mini-map in the upper right corner of your RS window).








For those who didn't understand what was just written, here is a visual example:
















The red flag indicates where your player is going. Point A is the spot where your player is standing before he moves to point B. Point C would be the next part of the mini-map that would be seen mid-way from point B to C.








1-B - Tracking footprints. To make those pkers who call themselves hunters feel more predacious, freshly marked footprints of another could be seen to the ranger(s) only if you are pking deep in the wilderness.








It could operate like this: tipit9zq.jpg








Since most of your time spent in the wilderness is doing nothing besides waiting for action, you could always keep yourself busy with finding people to fight with. The downfall of this advantage could be you finding trouble you can't handle.








In conclusion, I know most of you will find flaws in my idea because that is what some people thrive to do anyway, but I look forward to flamers C/C. And if anyone has some ideas to add-on I will really love to read them. This idea could change the game as we know it, prices might raise on ranging weapons/gear just because merchants will know the advantages of higher range levels.








With nothing further to say, I open the floor to all of Tip.It.
















Suggestions from the audience.








1 - Barihawk gave some good additional ideas for the other genre of pkers.








I say make it based on range level.








The higher the range level, the better your tracking abilities come.








All in all, this is an excellent idea. I doubt they would implement it though, since everyone and thier mom would complain about it somehow messing up the triangle.








In the same way, warriors should have hightened hearing to alert them of closeby combat, and mages should be able to sense the magical power of other mages. None of these would give a direction, but just alert you that you are in proximity.








2 - El_Dingo111 made a suggestion that seems natural with the idea.








One question. Wouldn't there be footprints all over the place in some areas of the wildy? Maybe there was a way to specialize around people the same combat lvl as you. Maybe also the higher your range lvl the less time your track shows up for.
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I rather like the footprint tracking idea. Even as a non-pker it seems to make sense that you could tell if someone had been near by recently.








Not sure about the first idea though. I think I get it, but you refer to points A,B, and C on the picture but the picture isn't labeled.








I'm not sure all of these should be tied in with ranging, but perhaps some sort of tracking skill? Needs some tweaking, but a solid idea I think.

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I rather like the footprint tracking idea. Even as a non-pker it seems to make sense that you could tell if someone had been near by recently.








Not sure about the first idea though. I think I get it, but you refer to points A,B, and C on the picture but the picture isn't labeled.








I'm not sure all of these should be tied in with ranging, but perhaps some sort of tracking skill? Needs some tweaking, but a solid idea I think.








I was using the mini-map picture as an example. Look at it, you see the red flag? Let's say it says you think you see something north of here. Once you reach the flag point the next part of the mini-map shown will be point C.








Don't let the points confuse you as they are not part of the idea just used in to help you understand the idea.

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Yes now then to go hunting you have to be a ranger? Being a ranger means nothing on rs. You could be anyone with a few ranger lvls.








I dont even get the other one.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Yes now then to go hunting you have to be a ranger? Being a ranger means nothing on rs. You could be anyone with a few ranger lvls.








I dont even get the other one.








Why post if you don't understand then?








Did I directly say you had to be a ranger? No, I was using rangers as an example in the first part of my idea. Learn to read next time hmmk?








The topic is about the skill of range, did you expect mage and warrior ideas too? :roll:








Your flamer No.1 who was just hungry for a post count, congratz?

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i think its a great idea 8)



Just to be different.


Think about it. A freaking Dragon Cane with a Dragonstone gem.

The spec will simply your character equiping a glove and beachslapping the enemy, who will break down and do the Cry emote for 10 seconds straight.

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I say make it based on range level.








The higher the range level, the better your tracking abilities come.








All in all, this is an excellent idea. I doubt they would implement it though, since everyone and thier mom would complain about it somehow messing up the triangle.








In the same way, warriors should have hightened hearing to alert them of closeby combat, and mages should be able to sense the magical power of other mages. None of these would give a direction, but just alert you that you are in proximity.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I say make it based on range level.








The higher the range level, the better your tracking abilities come.








All in all, this is an excellent idea. I doubt they would implement it though, since everyone and thier mom would complain about it somehow messing up the triangle.








In the same way, warriors should have hightened hearing to alert them of closeby combat, and mages should be able to sense the magical power of other mages. None of these would give a direction, but just alert you that you are in proximity.








This is an excellent add-in to the idea, I'm very impressed.

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Yes that is quite good. But all of these would require you to join some guild or something, otherwise you would have hightened senses against mage and melee, also you would know where they were.








No wait I have it a Helmet to focus your psionic energys. It would work by 'sensing' your highest skill then use that to give you an advantage. Its eathier this or some guild

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Pretty cool idea, I haven't seen anything like it in a while... Although I'm pretty much anti-wilderness it'd be pretty cool and it could also warn people in the wilderness if someone was coming. Maybe even if we wanted to go crazy, the weight of the player will determine how faint or deep the footprints are, making it easier to track if you have a lot of armor... But that would put meleers to a disadvantages, but that's just me thinking out loud, since this is a suggestion board and all.

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Pretty cool idea, I haven't seen anything like it in a while... Although I'm pretty much anti-wilderness it'd be pretty cool and it could also warn people in the wilderness if someone was coming. Maybe even if we wanted to go crazy, the weight of the player will determine how faint or deep the footprints are, making it easier to track if you have a lot of armor... But that would put meleers to a disadvantages, but that's just me thinking out loud, since this is a suggestion board and all.








Since warriors are already at a major advantage over rangers, this isnt a problem.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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Its an OK idea ,but I think the footprints should only be there if they have been there in less than a minute ago.








That's exactly what I'm thinking :wink:








It might cause too much of a distraction if the footprints were left there for hours.

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Its an OK idea ,but I think the footprints should only be there if they have been there in less than a minute ago.








That's exactly what I'm thinking :wink:








It might cause too much of a distraction if the footprints were left there for hours.








Lol, yeah you end up following him all the way back to edgeville from high lvl wildy :lol:

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if its less than a minute the chances are they are still on the screen or just to one side. It should be a X minute thing depending on if they were running(longer), walking(short),standing(longer) or fighting(lots of little footprints-short)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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One question. Wouldn't there be footprints all over the place in some areas of the wildy? Maybe there was a way to specialize around people the same combat lvl as you. Maybe also the higher your range lvl the less time your track shows up for.








Intresting, the ability for the a pker to track the footprints of pkers their same level and within range of their level.








I like that part of your suggestion :wink:

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That is not a half bad ifea, it would be a shame to follow someone for ages just to find its a level 126








Give it a few more tweaks from me or other Tip.It users then maybe this idea could possibly stand a chance on the Official RS Forums.

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That is not a half bad ifea, it would be a shame to follow someone for ages just to find its a level 126








The wilderness is filled with risks, this is one of them. It balances out the pro's of the ability, which makes the idea more solid.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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One question. Wouldn't there be footprints all over the place in some areas of the wildy? Maybe there was a way to specialize around people the same combat lvl as you. Maybe also the higher your range lvl the less time your track shows up for.








Intresting, the ability for the a pker to track the footprints of pkers their same level and within range of their level.








I like that part of your suggestion :wink:








hah that sounds like lotr ranger kind of thing :D








maybe it could say like when you examine them, depending on what they were wearing at the time, when you examine the prints:








"These deep prints look like the armored boot of a warrior"








"the barely visible tracks suggest a light footed archer"








"something was trailing on the ground after the prints, probably the robes of a mage"








the track thing could add a whole dimension to luring









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You could be able to examine the ground and a small screen would appear showing the quality of tracks in a 3x3 square section of the ground around you. You'd be able to see differences in footprint shape depending on gear worn, weight, speed or the print's age. The screen should replace the minimap to show that you're paying less attention to the environment around you to follow tracks, and you could start tracking by hitting a button that switches the minimap for the "tracking map".








Also, if individual prints aren't labelled, that makes it even more fun as all someone has to do to escape a tracker hot on their heels is to run through a crowded area and hope that someone else muddles up his tracks before whoever's chasing him catches up.

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