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Apple sued over Nano 'faults'


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from what i understood








the screens had a UNCOMMON faulty ability to scratch








this is apples fault...








when you buy a product you expect it not to break easily if its not a product your supposed to break.








so a nano that scratches mroe then a ipod under the SAME considerations. should be replaced by apple.








just like apple replaced all gen 1 battries since they had some recharge faults.....












Also i carry a box cutter for work. and i put it in my left pocket where i keep my cell phone and low and behold my phone got scratched up some..












box cutters in right pocket now


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andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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So what if the Nano gets damaged more easily than the regular iPod. Its cheaper and not as robust. Thats completely normal in a product series. Scratches dont just appear they have to be made, either with sharp plastic or metallic objects such as keys and coins. I have no sympathy for these users.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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So what if the Nano gets damaged more easily than the regular iPod. Its cheaper and not as robust. Thats completely normal in a product series. Scratches dont just appear they have to be made, either with sharp plastic or metallic objects such as keys and coins. I have no sympathy for these users.








well the problem is.. its a ipod.. its supposed to conform to the same design and robustness if not exceed them.








also.. its not cheaper. at 199.00 for the 2 gig version i can get the same item in the HP ipod with a HD for the same price but 4 gig..








its more epxensive per gig..... therefore it should be more robust








Also its size denotes extreme portability... this means pockets








if it means pockets then it must be able to take on the potential for damage from common items suck as coins and keys








if it can't.. there there is a design flaw.












yes they do have cases.. but unfortunatly 3rd party companies take weeks/months to make new items


The following statement is true. The previous statement is false. 60% of all statistics are made up 90% of the time

andrew i love you & want you to have my babys!!! <3:

Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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Maybe certain Nanos are made at different factories, and all the ones from a certain factory are "worse" than the others...








That could well be it, however, I have neither the time nor desire to research that for you :P

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i dont own any kind of ipod and never have (and dont intend to in the near future)




i have a friend who has a nano, if he has it in his pocket its inside a protective sock, and the screen is completely screwed all the same, and its only a few weeks old. i believe there definelty is a fault with the nanos screen. (but replacing the unit should be enough i would have thought)

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