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New Jagex trademark: RuneWizards


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The mention of Class 28 interests me the most. Possible expansion to the Jagex store?


I'm still waiting for my GWD minatures Jagex! :razz:


Same here. :P I want a mini Graardor.



a mini kbd/corporeal beast please :thumbsup:




This is how dissapointment are made: you see a little pointless detail and start making out stuff about it.


Then people start to see your posts and tells their friends "Jagex are making new toys, I saw it on tip.it"


Then when the day comes and you see merchadish or whatever you and the people who saw you are like "But you (Jagex) PROMISED <this and this> of merchadising, where is it?"


They take Class 28 as a PRECAUTION of other people making money of their idea, so you won't see Hasbro (for example) selling runescape stuff without their permission


Stop doing something big for something little (Exclamations marks -> Dungeons ring a bell?)


And excuse my obviously poor english


1) It was not a reaction as in "omg they took that 'class 28', they must be releasing runescape toys. Probably with a dozen Chinese firms already mass producing it!"

It would just be a great addition, other mmorpg's with a lower fanbase have toys. Why shouldn't Runescape have some? I can imagine alot of people actually buying this stuff.

A win-win situation btw, some people like the toys, others will like the extra investment in Runescape itself from the profit they make on the toys.


2) We can't be held accountable for people who misinterpret our posts.


Btw, I think you are correct that it is just a precaution.


I don't expect anything from Jagex. If you keep your hopes low, every update is a good one...

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The patent vs. trademark thing was just me paraphrasing


I didn't realize how extensive the trademarks on fun orb games actually were. And looking back I think that it might actually be a fun orb game seeing as that they are still in the production phase of the Stellar Dawn platform and I don't think that they want to start another platform until Stellar Dawn goes live and is done with development. However with the discussion about the cross system ideas going around it might be an attempt to create a new Jagex game for systems other than PC/MAC. At this point all we can really do is speculate and watch the job openings on the Jagex website and see what shows up there, but as I said earlier it'll be a while before we find out what this is.


Btw Ren discovered Mechscape years ago, if someone can figure out what RuneWizards is about, it's him


That guy is the king. He finds everything out all the time. I've only been able to find one article/interview that he hadn't picked up on before I told him, and when that happened I felt like a god :lol:.


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