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GE Merching?


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Hey tipiters :)


I've been away from RS for quite a while now, and I've not kept track of updates or anything, or trends in the GE.


So, what is the best item/item group to merchant on the GE now?


Thanks :)







"That which does not kill us makes us stronger." - Friedrich Nietzsche

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Like always, the 'best' items to merch change all the time. Your best bet is to stick to 1 type of thing and just check those prices every day unless you plan on looking for items for 3 hours a day. All I do is type 'logs' into the GE database, see which one is crashing, see when to buy and go from there. Over time you will find items that seem to make you more money regularily.

I don't know how long you have been gone but since Jagex implimented pure GP rewards into PVP there has been a steady inflation that seems to be at around 40% for 'raw' materials. Jagex has tweaked PVP so inflation is slowing, but until a huge money sink comes in, it will keep going.

Merchanting clans have also become FAR more common in recent months. It seems like avery average Joe is starting one. With 99% of these, the leader just pre-buys and pre-dumps on the clan, so be on the lookout for those trends in items. Try not to buy an item that is on the rise too much above normal because chances are that the clan will dump before you have a chance to get rid of your item.

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Merchanting isn't something you can learn from someone else. People always ask me, but it's not possible to teach. You have to learn how comfortable you are in taking risks. You can turn over during different times of the day, but telling you what to turn over is up to you. Go with expensive items if you're risky, cheaper items if you don't want to take a big hit if an items crashes a bit; buy in fairly large quantities if you want to make decent profits. I suggest trying d boots or sharks at first, but it's up to you. Those two items are commonly bought out during peak times but widely available during down times.


If you want to invest, scour the GE for items that are a bit low for their uses. I bought out a ton of zammy mitres a long time ago because they were really good items were standard use, and I made a few mill from that.


You can also predict future updates and buy from there. I have 30K gold bars on my noob account, 1230abcz. Hoping for a pwnage crafting update :thumbsup:


Other than that, it's up to you what you want to invest in.

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