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I'm on wave 37 of the fight caves, and I just want to ask if I'm doing good so far, since this is my first attempt. I've only used two restores out of my 18 , I've taken 2 sips of saradomin brew out of 7 full brews, and I still have 2 full range pots and 1 sip left in another. Also, am I supposed to pray pretty much constantly after the 360s get there? Because before I wasn't using much prayer but now I feel like I'm using a lot more. Thanks for any advice, wish me luck.

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Well what I did (and I made it to Jad without drinking a sara brew thanks to Enhanced Excalibur) is try to kill the 360's right away. If there's a 90, I'd kill it first (with pray mage on), then kill the 360 (usually get the other monsters stuck behind it) and then once it was dead, I'd turn off prayer and finish off who's left. Once the "Wave #" showed up, I'd turn it back on. I think you're doing pretty decent.



~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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