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Im feeling very depressed lately...and i need some help..


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2. Have a more optimistic outlook on life. Eg, your name is EvilMonkey. Make it like.. HappyAngel? Or something like that :lol:
And don't monkeys eat lice. Evil hairy lice eaters, wtf???

This is the way the world ends. Look at this [bleep]ing shit we're in man. Not with a bang, but with a whimper. And with a whimper, I'm splitting, Jack.

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Yeah, freshmen year can be a pain. I know I spent a good part of the first half feeling out of place.








"omg y is this nerd(I am kinda one)like this girl, hes not good enough, maybe hes trying to be cool or something lets ignore him what a wierdo."




Is this some form of high school logic that I'm not familiar with? Is that like "Let's not associate with the kid who wants to break the caste"? Anyway, high school hierarchy is a joke. If you like a "cool girl," go for it. If your friends think you're a nerd and think you should stick to "nerd girls," tell them they're superficial and promptly ditch them. :P








But i dont have the guts to ask my girl friends( not gf, friends that are girls) what they think about me now




Much to your dismay, I think confrontation is the best solution here. You've got a bunch of friends who have randomly started avoiding you--what's the deal? Just ask them something along the lines of "Hey, you've been acting differently around me lately, is something up?" And if they blow it off, then forget them. Why surround yourself with those who still rely on "middle school tactics"? At least wait until they get a little wiser (ie. "tolerable" lol).








Do the responsible and mature thing - Punch the guy in the face.




Rofl, my hero.

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no cabbage.. i got beat up almost honestly every day of my first year and a half of high school.. i'd come home crying then cop it from dad sayin that only sooks cry.. then there was all the medication and help etc.. now im fine.. probably doesnt help much.. but seriously.. once you let people know that your not there for purely their entertainment.. they will piss right off out of it.. the slightest remarks of suicide will always make things worse.. never give in.. things work out in the end.. 2 years time.. you'll be the one with a life.. youll be the respected one.. and theyll be the trash society looks down on.. as for the girl.. things come with time.. i didnt have my first gf til year 10.. and its hard to say anything without sounding very arrogent.. but i think i do alright with the girls now.. p.s. im 17.. things always work out for the better..








Yep. First day, I was beat up because i didn't stand up. Next week, tehy came lookin' for me again. This time, i broke 3 arms, a rib, gave a couple bloody noses, and made them bleed in places they didn't even know they had. And i didn't get hurt that much. my point? stand up for yourself!

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