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Tip.it Times 2 May 2010


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TBH, personal opinion is rather moot. Rules of grammar and writing aren't open to personal interpretation, as far as to what is acceptable. Certain things always are wrong, other things may be allowed. One should N E V E R use "you". One should use "one".


A forum post is one thing, a more formal piece, such as the Times, should require correct grammar.


To call the Times 'formal' is wrong. It is an open personalized editorial section. I think that to call it formal is just plain wrong. And Btw, saying 'TBH' isn't exactly grammatically correct, is it? Isay we just agree to dissagree, and leave it at that we will never agree.

Did you read back a few posts? I said that a forum post is different. Acronyms, etc are accepted.


I still feel that what one wouldn't write in a letter to a friend, doesn't belong in the Times, E.G using "you" instead of "one". Racheya is old enough to practice decent grammar on a more formal piece like the Times.




Now, according to this, "you" is correct. However, unless one can be certain that "you" will indeed include all the members of the audience at least, I would shy away from its use.

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TBH, personal opinion is rather moot. Rules of grammar and writing aren't open to personal interpretation, as far as to what is acceptable. Certain things always are wrong, other things may be allowed. One should N E V E R use "you". One should use "one".


A forum post is one thing, a more formal piece, such as the Times, should require correct grammar.


To call the Times 'formal' is wrong. It is an open personalized editorial section. I think that to call it formal is just plain wrong. And Btw, saying 'TBH' isn't exactly grammatically correct, is it? Isay we just agree to dissagree, and leave it at that we will never agree.

Did you read back a few posts? I said that a forum post is different. Acronyms, etc are accepted.


I still feel that what one wouldn't write in a letter to a friend, doesn't belong in the Times, E.G using "you" instead of "one". Racheya is old enough to practice decent grammar on a more formal piece like the Times.




Now, according to this, "you" is correct. However, unless one can be certain that "you" will indeed include all the members of the audience at least, I would shy away from its use.

so...... this is assuming that somebody in the audience will not be you? im guessing a third-person-speaking wierdy? =P~ =P~ =P~

Greecl: agreed, mister Eskimo steroid wrestler black guy thingy.

Lite191: =] lol

Greecl: this is going on my siggy on tippit.

lite191: actually im a ninja Eskimo wrestler on steroids with a godsword… on fire.

Greecl: eating a Klondike bar. =p

lite191: yes but it melted=[

Greecl: aw…wish you weren’t on fire now, huh?

lite191 :no.

lite191: Still freaking awesome.me

Greecl: or as Greecl would say… Frosted flakes are better!!!

lite191: agreed.

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TBH, personal opinion is rather moot. Rules of grammar and writing aren't open to personal interpretation, as far as to what is acceptable. Certain things always are wrong, other things may be allowed. One should N E V E R use "you". One should use "one".


A forum post is one thing, a more formal piece, such as the Times, should require correct grammar.


I keep hearing the voice of the the drill sergeant from "Stripes".


"Settle down... Francis."


The Times is very much informal and open to some format of creative flow. Formality is often boring, and there is certainly no singular format which would govern the general article. There is no desire to limit the reader's experience to scientific journal formatting.




No offense, but that sounds a little spacey, storm. The purpose of writing essays in third-person is not so the author can sound stuffy and pretentious. It's meant to strengthen the display of your argument. In an academic essay, the evidence should do the telling for the author. Attaching "I think" to the point can weaken the argument, giving the appearance that either it is simply personal opinion or the author is unsure of himself.


However, this is an editorial, which has some personal opinion. Instead of resolving an argument, editorials are usually meant to stir one up. The English 101 professor says never use "I' in an essay, but the Tip.It Times follows the conventions of even the biggest editorial publications where a more conversational tone is commonly used. It can be difficult to express emotion while writing like a robot. While stonewall claims personal opinion is moot, it is in fact central to this discussion.


"I" and "you" are permitted in this style, although they probably could be used more judiciously in the future.

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