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Runescape - Massive RTS


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How interesting would this be? Almost an expansion to dungeoneering

A pre-set randomized map, like a dungeoneering dungeon. I was thinking more outside, woody/moutain, but there could also be cave/dungeon maps themed maps too.

Along the lines of Rise of Nations mapping, but smaller of course.


You could go into a waiting room, and have it be sorted out randomly (like FoG), half of players on one team, half on the other (probably in alternating, descending skill level total).

or clan vs clan (though numbers would most likely be off)

Probably 20-40 people on a team.


Construction, woodcutting, mining, everything would be used. Teamwork would be a massive part of this.


Build defenses, towers for rangers, walls, machinery to mine faster, wc faster etc.

Resources would be a problem, you would get them too slow through normal methods. Machineries would have to be a must to get resources. Each skill could be turned into something more mingamish interesting, so you aren't just afking wcing (boring!). Of course, then you don't have enough inventory spots, and would have to run back to the clan bank or whatever so often. So crafters have to craft resource bags and inventories (like a gem bag that can hold 100 logs).

Mining ore, for nails for construction, armor etc.

Herblore for special pots. The boosts would be permanent (in the RTS only of course) so your army is stronger. Speed pots too, so you can run faster.

Mages can set up gatestones near resources so there's no running, or in front of the enemy camp (limit as to how close, though)


Rangers could range from constructed range towers. http://gameartisans.org/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=7671&stc=1&d=1217138358

either 1story, 2 stories, or 3 stories tall. As you get higher, the accuracy and range boost will be better. However, if you're on the 1st or second story, beware! enemy mages can telekinetic grab you off! How do you stay on? There's a click option on the railing, to grab on and not fall over (if you fall, you lose a lot of health, but don't die). But if two enemy mages telegrab you at the same time...you'll fall no matter what. If you've constructed a 3 story high tower, they can't reach you with their grabs, but you can snipe them. The enemy will either have to

a) if the tower's made of wood, catch it on fire with tinderboxes, etc.

B) made of stone, pick axe it.


Then you have your siege equipment (maybe), which requires more construction. Flaming projectiles require fm and do more damamge, trebuchets require archery of course.


Runecrafting, smithihing for weps, armors etc. Robes and range armor require crafting. smithing also is needed for stone buildings (which have more def).

Dungeoneering - small caves on the side of the forest. You can go along, or with a partner. Taking more people is wasting precious manpower. It only takes a few minutes, you fight and solve puzzles. Treasure chests full of rare ores and resources, maybe even universal team 5% str boost spell!

Fletching for arrows, which you can enhance with chemicals from herbalore, explosives, poisons, paralyzers lol


Mages get an all-around spellbook. Clerical spells for dispelling poisons, and healing team mates (healing would be an AoE spell)

Enchant hammers with clerical properties to mend your precious buildings. Enchantable jewlery that lets you keep 75% of your items


Fishing and cooking for food, of course. But also awesome creatures to be hunted for food that heal, and give stat boosts. Also hunting, you can set up traps for you enemy...pits, clamps etc. To get out of many of these traps, need a teammate to help you out (the pit).

Slayer - for minibosses. May be in the dungeoneering dungeons, or just lurking in the forest on the side...

Agility - gives you a speed boost so you can run faster (it's hard to chase people when you don't run faster than them..)

Farming - backing herblore of course. Need more ideas for farming though..



Lose half of whatever you're holding. Half your runes, half your food. If you've got singular items (melee weps, armors etc.) then you keep the most worthy item, lose the next most worthy, keep the 3rd... alternating. Whatever you lose drops on the ground, teammates cannot see/pick it up for 1 minute.



normal chat is normal...

/chat, essentially a clan chat



a) Time - whoever has the most valued proprty (building, resources, gold, weapons/armors etc.)

B) Destroy them til they have nothing...(would take QUITE a while)

c) bleh


Just an idea, more like a jumble of thoughts. It's not very organized, but meh...

It would be cool (imo) for something like this to happen, but maybe I'm just dreaming :thumbsup:


Discuss. If anything is incohesive, since I'm really really not thinking right now, just tell me :)

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after jagex's last attempt at a RTS minigame I'd rather they left them alone for awhile.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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I would rather they rework MA before they do something like this. The idea is not bad though.


Guild Wars 2-In game screenshot, the MMORPG you are waiting for. Click for thread.

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