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What is a decent program that is good for shading sigs, like ive seen alot of shading in pixel sigs lately and ive been wondering how its been done and what type of program that is used for it, cause basically ive been using paint for my sig and its not that great on shading.

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lol, there's no 'special' program that'll magically make your pixel shadings better, there's ones that are more helpful with layers and what not so you can fix your mistakes easier, but nothing that will actually make your shadings better. The best thing is just experience.








so in other words... the best thing for shading is just patience and practice. :lol:

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Every true pixel artist uses MS Paint for shading.








More like every true pixel artist shades completely by hand.. I see no problem using Photoshop or something where there's a highly more advanced color palette and swatches amongst other things that don't neccesarily remove the need for skill, but make things easier.

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Lol some people are so stupid








true pixel artists use ms paint












could you be more wrong?












a true pixel artists is a person who makes thier own line work, shades it themselves and has thier own style that actualy looks good. Program has nothing to do with it. Program is just eprsonal preference some prefer the simplicity of paint, some prefer the complexity of photoshop etc others juts use the program they have grown up on.








they are all essentially the same as long as they have a pen/paintbrush tool tht can do 1 pixel and a ciolour pallete to get shades from








On topic:




but pretty muhc what was said








Piant, photo shop, graphics gale, pauint shop pro are all good


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the pencil tool at 1 withd +1 height




pen is vector.




paintbrush is brushing.








about the programs.. Who cares!? as long as you get a decent outcome.








correction I was right different programs have different tools








Paint shop pro you use paint brush tool to do it, some u use a 'pen' tool althou thts rare and pencil is paint








Pencil is most common but alot of progrs have paintbrush tool that combines paints pencil and paintbrush


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pen uses anchors..




give me a name for a program that uses pen as pencil and i will discus it but for the time being...








paintbrush in a general point of view is generates blendings around your "dot" and therefore isn't pixel.




that some programs do it differently and call the pencil a paintbrush that you have to modify? or whatever? is beyond the point because if you modify it, it will be a pencil perhaps not by name but by subname.




so it's still pencil.

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Pen I know no exmaple








But programs such aspaint shop pro












you go on paintbeus turn the shape to sq, turn it down to 1 pixel size and turn optacy and hardnessup to 100 and it gives solid single pixels.


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