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POLL: What do you think of the latest Castle Wars update?


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Awesome update.

Just they botched my rank because they didn't count the gold stands in my poh.

Really sucks have 4.6k tickets and only 1060 rank.

They better fix it so I can get that pro cape within the next 3 years....


I thought the ranks are only counted since the update?


I got the second set of armor in the bank, yet it says im unranked.


They game one game played per ticket to recognize the old time players.

Sadly they screwed this up because they failed to count all the tickets that people stored as armour stands in their home.

Thus I have 4600+ tickets yet only 1070ish games.

Its significant to me because it would put me in striking distance of the pro-cape.

Wow, that is lame, I actually had my suit of blue/white armor on (goes with my def cape) and they didn't count that either..




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This update ruined my goal completely. I got 95 prayer, extremes, 99 summoning and was going for chaotic maul to wreak havoc on players in castle wars. Now you can use overloads and armor that takes literally years (5 years for best armor?) to get and has best offensive bonus over any armor in the game.


I got about 2k tickets playing castle wars fairly regularly over the course of a year, it wouldn't be hard to get the three items required for the 25% bonus in around 9 months without totally nolifing it. Castle wars gets boring if you're only there to pk people anyway.


Personally, I'm not happy with how the new armours look. I loved the look of the gold dec armour and now it just looks like something from dungeoneering - ugly. The balisade(sp?) things are quite funny but not massively useful and I definitely do like the new highscores system but apparently it's been made so that the flag no longer returns to it's standard if dropped on the stepping stones or if the tunnel is collapsed on it which takes a large tactical element out of the game.


I voted do not like, they'd have done much better to ask people who play regularly for their opinions and work from there.

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