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I´m a new member and a old user tip it.

I would rather say I should never finished just half the quests I done, without the help from here.

As a earlier clan-leader in 2 periods way back 2-4 years I remember returning discussions among clan-members and other clanleaders.

We had never doubts warn new members to the un-fair in game by using bots for skills, and other cheats in game.

where the waters really divided was the use from questhelp. At that time the numbers of quests not that many, but it was with growing popularity

people begin use questhelp. Because quests in wide scale build up a way, where players easy could get trapped in a problem for extreme long



Said in other word:


A player who do did a quest the way runescape expect it, can spend hours in large scale solve the upcoming problems.

A player with a accurate questhelp can finish a intermediate quest less than one hour.


Compare this to the large numbers of players who been banned because of using bots during the times.

Same time as the finish of these quests often a access-key to open new areas.

"The cheater" awarded big time with a quick done quest when use accurate questhelp or help from others

The losers, those who try solve the problems with the rediculous questhelp runescape offering.


When back in game after a longer break, its my strong opinion the problem meanwhile grown larger, rather than reduced.

Runescape insists these foolish quests play a key-role in the game, even a briefly calculation among those members in clans

i talked to through the times openly shows larger numbers of players who just resign many of the quests, if clan not got a good

geek as questleader guide them from begin to end...


I know some players cannot wait for the next quest to be published, but those are a handful of hundreds.

I know topic questhelp gives the impression quests are popular, but isnt it because here the questgeeks gathered in their

favoritetopic. Just waiting the rest of uscome begging them for a little help from them the geeks.


Basicly I got nothing against quests, I got nothing against players rewarded by the end.

What I find pathetic in those quests, a player forced to finish it access new areas.


Runescape quests got far from the quality and fairness to play that important part.


I´m interested hear other players opinion about this topic, because a lot can have changed in a few years.


Tomamot alias Svava0

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imo quests are growing in quality. And I didnt see the point of the first half of your post.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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I got a bit of a headache reading that.


Quests are Runescape, they are a vital part of the game and If you do them properly without help, they are fun, challenging, and rewarding. It's a welcomed break from the grindfest, and those who don't want to do them, simply don't have to.



Proper Daily blogging including Starcraft 2!


Includes goal for 80+ all stats

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So in a nutshell what you are saying is:


1. People who enjoy quests are geeks.

2. You dont like how you have to do a quest to get its rewards.

3. Only a few houndred players like quests.




My response:


1. I can say anyone who enjoys player killing doesnt know how to type proper english and has bad grades. Doesnt make it true.

2 + 3. So we should just remove quests right? Only like 200 people enjoy them anyway, so lets just give everyone everything at level 3. Heck, why have skills, lets just say you can start off with a maxed cashpile and all skills 99.


I think your a troll btw. ;)

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Perhaps, you should join a runescape fansite that uses your native language because I couldn't make out what you were saying.


That being said, Runescape is an MMORPG, and the defining qualities of an RPG are quests and character development. Personally quests are why I play. I tend to let my membership lapse between new quests because I've gotten pretty bored with Runescape and if it weren't for the quests I would probably have quit.


If you don't like quests, you probably shouldn't be playing an RPG. You're probably better suited to a FPS, or something of that nature.


By the way Runescape's Questhelp, is to give hints. It is not meant to tell you how to do the quest. Using a guide or asking for help is not cheating. It can spoil the fun of the quests at times, but It's a multiplayer game, we're expected to use each other as resources. I admit that with quiet before the storm I had to find help for the bridge puzzle, and I used a guide for the slider puzzle in EW3. I'm not proud of it and I tried both on my own first, but in no way was I cheating by doing so. And liking one part of a game over another doesn't make you a geek, but asking for rewards without earning them does make you a lazy loser. So enjoy =D


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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So in a nutshell what you are saying is:


1. People who enjoy quests are geeks.

2. You dont like how you have to do a quest to get its rewards.

3. Only a few houndred players like quests.




My response:


1. I can say anyone who enjoys player killing doesnt know how to type proper english and has bad grades. Doesnt make it true.

2 + 3. So we should just remove quests right? Only like 200 people enjoy them anyway, so lets just give everyone everything at level 3. Heck, why have skills, lets just say you can start off with a maxed cashpile and all skills 99.


I think your a troll btw. ;)


in a nutshell:


Basicly I got nothing against quests, I got nothing against players rewarded by the end.

What I find pathetic in those quests, a player forced to finish it access new areas.


Call me whatever you want even a troll.

I been a big fan playing runescape for several years.

I dont talk on my own behalf alone, but also many the players who said something like the same when doing quests.

Yes! I know a quest can be done without being a geek

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So in a nutshell what you are saying is:


1. People who enjoy quests are geeks.

2. You dont like how you have to do a quest to get its rewards.

3. Only a few houndred players like quests.




My response:


1. I can say anyone who enjoys player killing doesnt know how to type proper english and has bad grades. Doesnt make it true.

2 + 3. So we should just remove quests right? Only like 200 people enjoy them anyway, so lets just give everyone everything at level 3. Heck, why have skills, lets just say you can start off with a maxed cashpile and all skills 99.


I think your a troll btw. ;)


in a nutshell:


Basicly I got nothing against quests, I got nothing against players rewarded by the end.

What I find pathetic in those quests, a player forced to finish it access new areas.

you contradicted yourself..the new areas ARE PART OF THE REWARDS.

DK drops (solo/LS): 66 hatchets, 14 archer rings, 13 berserker rings, 17 warrior rings, 12 seerculls, 13 mud staves, 7 seers rings

QBD drops: 1 kite, 2 visages, 4 dragonbone kits, 3 effigies, lots of crossbow parts

CR vs. CLS threads always turn into discussions about penis size.
It's not called a Compensation Longsword for nothing.

I've sent a 12k combat mission to have Aiel assassinated (poor bastard isn't even Pincers-tier difficulty).



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So in a nutshell what you are saying is:


1. People who enjoy quests are geeks.

2. You dont like how you have to do a quest to get its rewards.

3. Only a few houndred players like quests.




My response:


1. I can say anyone who enjoys player killing doesnt know how to type proper english and has bad grades. Doesnt make it true.

2 + 3. So we should just remove quests right? Only like 200 people enjoy them anyway, so lets just give everyone everything at level 3. Heck, why have skills, lets just say you can start off with a maxed cashpile and all skills 99.


I think your a troll btw. ;)


in a nutshell:


Basicly I got nothing against quests, I got nothing against players rewarded by the end.

What I find pathetic in those quests, a player forced to finish it access new areas.

you contradicted yourself..the new areas ARE PART OF THE REWARDS.


Come on guys let's not be harsh, Obviously we should all have access to barrows without doing the quests to get into Canifis, and TOG without ever doing the quests to get into the cave.


Damnit, I tripped over Magzar's half inflated blow-up doll and hurt myself. I wish he wouldn't leave that thing lying around. -.-


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Basicly I got nothing against quests, I got nothing against players rewarded by the end.

What I find pathetic in those quests, a player forced to finish it access new areas.


Yes! I know a quest can be done without being a geek


I dont follow the first part. :-?


I agree on the second part. What I said though which I understood you said in the first post is people can do quests, but only geeks like doing them.

If thats not what your saying, then I misunderstood that part of the first post.

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So in a nutshell what you are saying is:


1. People who enjoy quests are geeks.

2. You dont like how you have to do a quest to get its rewards.

3. Only a few houndred players like quests.




My response:


1. I can say anyone who enjoys player killing doesnt know how to type proper english and has bad grades. Doesnt make it true.

2 + 3. So we should just remove quests right? Only like 200 people enjoy them anyway, so lets just give everyone everything at level 3. Heck, why have skills, lets just say you can start off with a maxed cashpile and all skills 99.


I think your a troll btw. ;)


in a nutshell:


Basicly I got nothing against quests, I got nothing against players rewarded by the end.

What I find pathetic in those quests, a player forced to finish it access new areas.


Call me whatever you want even a troll.

I been a big fan playing runescape for several years.

I dont talk on my own behalf alone, but also many the players who said something like the same when doing quests.

Yes! I know a quest can be done without being a geek


You have nothing against players being rewarded by quests, but you have something against players being granted new areas in a quest.


Er, That's actually part of the reward of the freaking quest. As for doing it with or without a guide, well. Very little you can do about it. I've used a guide more often then I should, but sometimes....I dunno, I just feel lazy. For the record, if you beat the quest before a guide comes out, chances are there are hundreds of people dong the quest you can ask. Very little people, imo, do quests without any sort of help whatsoever. If they do, kudos to them.


And to the OP, I dearly hope English isn't your first language. Because, frankly, some of what you type, clearly seems to lack something.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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