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Fiery signature! Volcano action! Comment/rate/or buy!


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You might be aware of the post where someone started calling me and demented noobs. I got a lil mad. Had no time yesterday to prove my point but made the sig I promised to make during last 2 hours. I'm not completely satisfied and I don't feel it is of top-notch quality. The text should be considered a joke. Made it by hand, brushing, and it looks like poo. Included it only since the original signature (which this was supposed to own!) had a creepy looking fire font. I guess I can't make any better fire text myself :wink:








The signature is also available for buying purposes. I however reserve the right to keep it for my "up-coming" signature store (if I can produce some quality siggies) if I get no reasonable bids.









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Looks too saturated and bright to look realistic i think, but who gives a wagon about realism anyway ? :wink: :roll: :(








As usually with terragen signatures I made this is 800x 400 and then scaled down. Painfull. I quite like the big one.

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The snow thing is intentional..was going to call it "hot as ice". However I plan to remove the ice from the volcano itself but definately leave it on the other mountains.








And well...I didn't think it stinked like this. I thought it was my best terragen/PS thing to date.

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That ownz!!!








You win..








:lol: V :lol: V :lol: V :lol:









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looks real good, i work with terragen too and i noticed a few things with your picture that you could do to make it look better.








1- the clouds are out of place, if you can make them darker or do it on photshop so that they look like they are part of the vulcano eruption.








2. the mountains look real in shape but i would consider change the grey color of the mountains to something a bit darker and make the other mountains around it with less glaciation.








3. put a background of mountains, unless theres some lake or ocean behind that vulcano, it looks like theres a huge drop into a field of nothing behind that.




(this is just some creative advice, the vulcano still looks good)








9/10 good job

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thanks mi3. This was actually my thrid render i made in terragen so I'm not only a tad new to it...but a whole lot. Since I didn't save the world, only the render, I can't do any alterations, but I'll keep those in mind.

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