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Camping at Barrows


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Oh look, another Barrows guide...but this one has a twist


I. Introduction


On May 9th 2005 Jagex introduced a new area to Runescape that had 6 mounds. Under these mounds were powerful spirits of 6 brothers and one of them includes a tunnel that leads to a chest. In this chest is runes, coins, ammunition, Half Keys, Dragon Medium Helmets, and what everyone is after...the armour of these brothers. Ever since the introduction of this area there has been a debate over what method is the best way to kill these brothers.


I myself have done countless trips to the chest. If I were to put a number on how many times i've opened the chest I would estimate 1000-1500 times. After all this time I think I have perfected the method for killing these brothers and looting their chest. This is done through a combination of using Ancient Magicks, Black Salamader, Guthans, and the Saradomin Godsword (SGS). Even without the SGS I would recomend reading on. Their will be strategies and techniques you can use to still loot the chest 30-50 times without one.


This is not a technique for people that are new to Barrows. It involves little to no prayer (even on Dharok) so people that are new could find themselves freaking out. Because of that I'm not going to go into detail on how to get there or what to do in the tunnels. I recommend doing 30-40 runs using a more conventional method such as Slayer dart. There are many great Barrows guides here that offer good info on other methods.


PROs and CONs


1) A pretty cheap method, only using 7-8k of resources per run. Which is about what I was spending when I was using the Verac method, but guthans will last longer than the veracs in this method.

2) Very fast. At a certain level you will hit higher with a Black Salamander than slayer dart. Plus, no teleporting out so you can start the next run quicker than those who teleport out.

3) Very fun. This technique requires a little more finesse than other techniques, which provides a fun challenge.



1) Expensive to get started.

2) High risk. 6-8m usually and it only gets higher the more you open the chest.

3) Dharok can be nerve racking at first.


II. Getting Started


These skill suggestions are just that, suggestions. I wouldn't recommend trying this at anything lower that them, but it is worth a try if you want.


85+ Attack

85+ Strength

85+ Defense

43+ Prayer*

82+ Magic*

70+ Range

55+ Agility


*These levels are absolutely required. If you have 85+ combat stats, you probably have those already. The prayer is for the protection prayers and the range is for the ability to wield the Black Salamander. Using range on Ahrim is completely up to you but I would teach it in this guide.


-The reason you need high combat stats is because you will be meleeing Karil and Ahrim. Karil is especially difficult to kill with low combat stats and for some of the fight you will probably be taking him on without prayer. It is also no good if you hit lots of 0s with the SGS, which would cause you to use prayer potions.


-I recommend 82 Magic for the ability to cast Ice Blitz. Anything lower will not allow you an adequate amount of time to hit the brothers with you Black Salamander. More on this later.


-The Agility is for being able to get out of the tunnel while its collapsing. Lower agility and you will run the risk of running out of energy before leaving the tunnels. Out of all the skills this is the one that can be lower, just make sure to be more conscious about energy levels.


As for the Quest Needed...


Preist In Peril*- Needed to gain access into the area of Runescape that Barrows is located.

Desert Treasure*- Needed to have access to the Ice Spells, which freezes brothers.

In Search of the Myreque- Unlocks a short cut to Barrows.


*Required. As well as all the skills and quest needed to complete them.

**Ghost Ahoy (Ectophial) is not needed since you will be on the Ancients Spellbook, which has a teleport to Kharyll (Canifis).


III. What to Bring




Guthans Helmet, Body, Chainskirt - Why there equipped is because it is the set up I am going to use to kill the first brother.

Saradomin Godsword - This is used to replenish health and prayer. If you cant afford a SGS, other alternatives are the Bandos Godsword, Zamorak Godsword, or the Whip. If you insist of using the Armaydl Godsword, you will end up using more prayer potions. You can also use an alternative spec-ing weapon if you bring the whip, just replace one of the prayer potions or food for it.

Amulet of Glory - Fury is not recommended because of the high amounts you are risking already, even if its the better amulet.

Cape- Bring your best cape

Gloves- Bring your best RFD gloves

Ring - Jagex has confirmed that wealth does not affect Barrows loot. If your confident in your abilities and internet connection, you may wear your favorite skill boosting ring.

Quiver - Harralander tar is needed for the Black Salamander, without it the salamander is useless.

Shield - None. Since you will be dealing with two handed weapons. Even if you opt for a whip, it will be a pain to constantly keep one inventory space open, especially if you get a hot streak.


In inventory

Spade- Needed to enter the mounds. Without it, you are going nowhere.

Black Salamander- Weapon of choice versus the melee brothers.

Black D'hide body- Used for magic protection against Ahrim. Karils top is better but considerably more expensive. Same as the Glory/Fury.

Karil's Bottom- Used for magic protection against Ahrim. It is a lot less than the top, so to me is a wise investment.

Guthan Spear- Needed to complete Guthan set to activate its special ability, healing.

Ahrims Top- Used for added mage bonus which will be explained later. Can be swapped for mystic or any other mage boosting tops.

(1) Super Restore Potion- Used for if Ahrim completely destroys your combat stats.

(9) Prayer Potions- Used for if Karil is being harder to kill/hitting more than usual, Dharok is tunneled where safespot is not available, blessing graves, or in severe danger of of not being able to heal with Guthans in time.

(1) Chaos, Mind, Bolt Rack, Coin- Used as a place holder for the rewards you will get

(4) Emergency food- Used for if your in a bind

Water, Death, Blood runes- Used for the Ice spells. Bring twice as many deaths than bloods if you can Barrage. Bring lots of waters as they are not a Barrows reward. I bring 400 to be safe, you can probably get away with 250-300.

Teleport out- Optional as you should be bringing a glory, just make sure its charged.


IV. Killing the Brothers


One of the main differences between this method, and all the other methods out ther is that Dharok is no longer your biggest threat...Karil is. If you are on run #1 kill Karil first then Ahrim, using the remaining prayer (if any) on Dharok, then Guthan or Torag, then Verac. The reason why Karil and Ahrim is first and Verac is last is because you cannot use the sidestep on Karil and Ahrim (more on the sidestep later) and Verac will hit through prayer anyways, so you might as well as use the sidestep on Verac.


Now for run #2 and on...




I have developed a pretty advanced technique for killing Karil with an SGS. If you do not have an SGS take a sip of prayer potion and hack away. If Karil is tunneled, kill Ahrim first so that the spec bar is back to 100% by the time you enter the tunnels.


Here is the setup.



Heres the technique.

-Make sure your spec bar is at 100% and make sure quick prayer is on protect from range. Sometimes the spec wont because he or Ahrim was tunneled last run. Either wait, or go kill a Melee brother and come back to Karil.

-If you HP is full or almost full, do not use your spec on him yet. If there's about ~150hp missing, go ahead an use spec and turn prayer on.

-If your HP is full keep hitting him until he does about 150 damage then use your first spec and turn prayer on.

-When prayer runs out do the same thing for the second spec. If your HP is ~150 from being full spec again and turn prayer on. If its full or almost full do the same thing as when you started.

-This should be able to kill him. If not, let him hit you more. If you feel like you wont make it out without him doing serious damage, take a sip of prayer potion and finish him off.


If you don't feel comfortable doing this, Spec on first hit and turn prayer on. When it runs out use the second spec and turn it on. If it runs out before he is dead then try and kill him without prayer. You may end up using a sip of prayer potion doing this though.



Next is the 4 melee brothers. It doesn't matter what order you do them in. I usually go Guthan/Dharok/Verac/Torag. Because Guthan is close to Karil, and Dharok is next to Guthan who is nice to get out of the way early.


Here is the set up


*The reason for the Ahrims top is so that you do not splash, especially on Dharok. Splashing on Dharok while he is walking towards you can be fatal.


Now lets go into be 5 steps to killing each brother



Step 1

Step 1 is easy, its just searching the tomb for the brother. Always click on the long side of the rectangular sarcophagus



Step 2

Move to the corner of the steps, the part where it rounds off. When your there, Ice Blitz/Barrage the brother.



Step 3

Move one step up and start hitting the brother with your black salamander. Make sure the salamander is set to the magic option or will not hit. If your doing Blitz hit the brother 4 times (Three if your on dharok, to be safe) , if your doing Barrage hit the brother 5 times. Sometime this will be enough to kill him, if not move one to step 4.


*When fighting Dharok I would recommend only doing three shots with the Salamander just to be safe.

**For some reason I find that you can do 6 shots with Barrage on Guthan


Step 4

This step is unnecessary if your at Guthan, Torag, or even Verac if he is at 1/4 health or lower, just go ahead and finish him off using the Salamander. If he has more left, then run to the opposite side of the sarcophagus. Give yourself a little room too so that you can do the next cast.



Step 5

Wait a couple seconds until after the HP bar above the brother goes away to take one step to allow him to start walking towards you. If his health is more than half way use a Barrage if you can. If its a little less than half use blitz and save a couple death runes. After you freeze him, move one square in front of him, and one square to the side. This is called the side step.


*If you splash run to the other side or just try and freeze him again. If its Dharok and he gets a good hit on you, run to the stairs, don't risk things.

**The brother will not get this close to where you were on step 4. The only reason he did on me is because I was trying to get a screenshot.


If the brother is STILL not dead, run to the opposite side of the sarcophagus (the small side of the rectangle) and repeat.


Experiment on where you like to start for each brother. For Dharok I like to start on the side farthest from the door. I do this because it is a quick escape if things start going terribly wrong on step 4 and 5.



Kill him just the way you kill Karil. Using the technique I went into detail about will be easier because he does not hit as often or as hard as Karil. The reason Ahrim is last is that by the time you kill the melee brothers, your spec bar should be back to 100%


Here is the setup




V. Fighting in the Tunnels


Work in progress. Right now im trying to get a brother in all the different safe spots known and how to use this method with it.


VI. Tips and Tricks


World 31

I came across the world completely by accident. I had just finished getting 70 prayer through house parties in Yanille and I decided to do Barrows with my new skill. I couldn't believe how many people were at Barrows and then one guy told me to join the Clan Chat there. The Clan Chat is 'W31 barr0ws'. The great thing about this world is that people will bless your graves if you die. The only time you may run the risk of not being blessed is if you die in an obscure place like the side tunnels.



Healing before entering tunnels

Sometimes you will find yourself in a bind with low HP before your ready to enter the tunnels, there is a couple things you can do. If its severe, you can use your emergency food or if you know what brother is tunneled you can enter it with Guthans and heal. If your in World 31 there will almost always be enough monsters in the room to heal. If you don't know what brother is tunneled you can find out by checking Torag/Guthan/Verac first, then Ahrim. If they pop up quickly exit with the stairs. Always make Dharok last in the process of elimination because he can hit 300+ at full health.



It can be nerve racking fighting Dharok with no prayer. What you can do is individual runs and pray on Dharok while going through the motions. After a few runs of this, as well as taking on the other 3 melee brothers, you should be confident enough to take on Dharok without prayer.


VII. Results


-About 40 chest. My method was a little different at this camp.


Working on a couple videos of other camps.


If you start using my method, please post your results =)

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I'll look into the Enhanced Excaliber. Thanks for the tip.


A couple reason I like this method over the claws is because I hate walking/running if I don't have too. I also like seeing the runes and items stack up.

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Really good looking guide. I haven't read through it all yet. One thing is I wouldn't recommend novices no pray dharok, especially if they don't have 94 mage. Cool that you went back into the archive to see when Barrows was released? I made a forum post for it's fifth birthday earlier this year on the Runescape forums and it got flamed pretty bad. 1,000-1,500 trips is a pretty good barrows count. I find that 1,000 trips takes me 150-200 hours, with a profit of 200-400m.

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Really good looking guide. I haven't read through it all yet. One thing is I wouldn't recommend novices no pray dharok, especially if they don't have 94 mage. Cool that you went back into the archive to see when Barrows was released? I made a forum post for it's fifth birthday earlier this year on the Runescape forums and it got flamed pretty bad. 1,000-1,500 trips is a pretty good barrows count. I find that 1,000 trips takes me 150-200 hours, with a profit of 200-400m.


I put in the tips and tricks section a way to train before taking on Dharok with no prayer. I used to take on dharok with guthans on, but one day I decided to bring an ahrims top and its been working out so far, I have yet to splash since making the switch. Yeah, I have been playing off and on since the Runescape Classic days. Sadly the amount of trips I've done doesn't accurately represent how wealthy I am lol. I kept giving away stuff each time I've quit back when we had the ability.


My best friend takes on Dharok with no prayer sometimes using the Slayer Dart method. I keep telling him he's playing with fire but its worked out for him so far lol.

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Really good looking guide. I haven't read through it all yet. One thing is I wouldn't recommend novices no pray dharok, especially if they don't have 94 mage. Cool that you went back into the archive to see when Barrows was released? I made a forum post for it's fifth birthday earlier this year on the Runescape forums and it got flamed pretty bad. 1,000-1,500 trips is a pretty good barrows count. I find that 1,000 trips takes me 150-200 hours, with a profit of 200-400m.


I put in the tips and tricks section a way to train before taking on Dharok with no prayer. I used to take on dharok with guthans on, but one day I decided to bring an ahrims top and its been working out so far, I have yet to splash since making the switch. Yeah, I have been playing off and on since the Runescape Classic days. Sadly the amount of trips I've done doesn't accurately represent how wealthy I am lol. I kept giving away stuff each time I've quit back when we had the ability.


My best friend takes on Dharok with no prayer sometimes using the Slayer Dart method. I keep telling him he's playing with fire but its worked out for him so far lol.


I used to use veracs on DH and just gun it no pray until the time I almost died. Now I only no pray if I'm ancienting too.


And to the above above poster, if dh gets you down to 1-100hp, you're in a lot of trouble if you can't eat fast enough before you get k0'ed.

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  • 1 month later...

Hmm, adding 'in aid of the myreque' could allow you to use the burgh bank, thus making restocking suuuuper quick. Overall, the guide gets a 6.5/10, due to the fact that you only really offered 1 way of doing the barrows, rather than many, which a guide should offer....

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Hmm, adding 'in aid of the myreque' could allow you to use the burgh bank, thus making restocking suuuuper quick. Overall, the guide gets a 6.5/10, due to the fact that you only really offered 1 way of doing the barrows, rather than many, which a guide should offer....


There aren't a whole lot of ways to camp barrows for as many kills as the TC is explaining. It's a specialty guide, not a general guide. That's my opinion, anyway.


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