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What laptop should i get?


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Hi my pc sucks an i have enough money so im gettin a laptop. I want one which can comfortably cod, other high requirements games like fifa and online games like runescape, so it has to have good graphics card an stuff. It would help if it had a video lense thingy installed (cant remember name for the things which you can use skype with to make video calls the camera thingy) and a mic. My price range is £200-500 and i live in england.

Ty plz help

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Hi my pc sucks an i have enough money so im gettin a laptop. I want one which can comfortably cod, other high requirements games like fifa and online games like runescape, so it has to have good graphics card an stuff. It would help if it had a video lense thingy installed (cant remember name for the things which you can use skype with to make video calls the camera thingy) and a mic. My price range is £200-500 and i live in england.

Ty plz help


im guessing as you put euro's and not $ your not in America, so when i say you will prolly have to spend upwards of 800 euro's to get a nice gaming lappy that's going by what i know over here in America.... i would look into Asus, they have done some nice things with laptops plus they make great boards. also: www.cyberpowerpc.com i like the site, although idk about shipping...


remember, gaming laptops are heavy and hot, and battery sucks.... most manufacturers call them "desktop replacements"


this being said, i have a first generation gateway FX laptop 17" and it has been great, bout time for me to get a new one


gl :D

i don't play psykick anymore... i play 2ed: "pure fett"


26081 to get 99 herblore

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Okay, it seems that you're not a 'computer' person so I'll give some advice.


You'll be going to shops like PC world... be VERY wary of what they try to sell. I got my laptop for £600 four years ago, only now do I realise what a crock of manure it was. It didn't have the specs to run the Vista that it came with (512mb ram WTF?).


Looking at current prices, for about £500 you'll want to be getting about 4Gb RAM. I'd say it's unwise to go with anything much lower. You'll want a processor at about 2-3 GHz. Hard Drive space is usually fine at about 300-400 Gb.


You can ask for a webcam, but it might be best just buying a webcam and mic separately since built-in ones aren't always brilliant. You'll also find it hard to get a good graphics card on a laptop - they just tend not to exist. I'd say be wary of Intel Integrated Chipsets since they're notorious for being crap. I know, I have one.


Also, if you're on a budget then a good way of saving money is to make sure you don't buy all the extras like 'get Norton discounted...' ect. There are good free Antiviruses out there that are not only better, but save you a pretty penny.


I can't really recommend specific laptops, but I'm going to be getting a new one myself soon so I think these are things you need to take into consideration. Also be aware that laptops are hard to change, particularly graphics cards. You can't really update them on laptops and if you want something with good performance then you're going to want a desktop really.


I edit for the [Tip.It Times]. I rarely write in [My Blog]. I am an [Ex-Moderator].

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Okay, it seems that you're not a 'computer' person so I'll give some advice.


You'll be going to shops like PC world... be VERY wary of what they try to sell. I got my laptop for £600 four years ago, only now do I realise what a crock of manure it was. It didn't have the specs to run the Vista that it came with (512mb ram WTF?).


Looking at current prices, for about £500 you'll want to be getting about 4Gb RAM. I'd say it's unwise to go with anything much lower. You'll want a processor at about 2-3 GHz. Hard Drive space is usually fine at about 300-400 Gb.


You can ask for a webcam, but it might be best just buying a webcam and mic separately since built-in ones aren't always brilliant. You'll also find it hard to get a good graphics card on a laptop - they just tend not to exist. I'd say be wary of Intel Integrated Chipsets since they're notorious for being crap. I know, I have one.


Also, if you're on a budget then a good way of saving money is to make sure you don't buy all the extras like 'get Norton discounted...' ect. There are good free Antiviruses out there that are not only better, but save you a pretty penny.


I can't really recommend specific laptops, but I'm going to be getting a new one myself soon so I think these are things you need to take into consideration. Also be aware that laptops are hard to change, particularly graphics cards. You can't really update them on laptops and if you want something with good performance then you're going to want a desktop really.


hi ty for the advice. when you get your lappy can you tell me what you bought thanks

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88£ over your price, but the nearest to your desire for your price.

CoD i guess on low-med settings. It's a too small budget to demand gaming performance from a laptop. A desktop computer would be much easier to find for your desired demand and budget.

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dude i put £ and the fact i live in england so dont post if you cant read. btw that post really didnt help either. more help plz


No need to be rude here.


Id go with Oldjoe's suggestion if you really need a laptop. However If you plan to game, going with a desktop is generally a better option. Try a local computer store that does custom builds, they can usually build you a computer that will be far more suited towards gaming than what you will find at a box store for a cheaper price.


Is VAT warranty?

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Something like this: http://www.dabs.com/products/zoostorm-core-2-quad-q8400-4gb-1tb-dvdrw-windows-7-home-premium-74B1.html?refs=22

I don't know about the Zoostorm brand tho, so if any British could comment it would be good.

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Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

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