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Quests with 80+ skill level requirements


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I apologize if this is a redundant thread...just curious to see what people's opinions are.








I enjoy training my non-combat skills up pretty high, and am hoping that someday Jagex implements some quests or mini-games which require high-level 80+ or 90+ skills so that those who enjoy training a certain skill can put those skills to use.








Some of the "higher-end" quests: Desert Treasure, Monkey Madness, Legends, etc...are primarily Combat testing quests, with some maybe level 50 (or so) non-combat skills required.








Each time a quest is released I hope to see a required skills like 80 crafting, or 85 firemaking, or 80 woodcut, you get the idea...any thoughts?

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I think the reason they don't have higher skill requirements; is the casual player can do pretty much any quest, without having to invest disgusting amounts of time into a stat (Think about how much xp you get an hour-even the faster stats like cooking) plus it would probably get more people to level to that requirement, and I doubt they want soo many high levels anyways, as it would cause a much greater demand for 100+ levels.. and really its just not plausible without changing the whole formula..




But I do agree with you in that they really should have at least a couple quests with 70+ requirements, but at the same time i can see why they don't

My first ever guide - for advanced farmers (~50+)


Now With Pictures!! - let me know what you think

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There are a few high level orientated things like, fight caves and fight pits, Although you only need 50 in each for rogues den, it is much better with 80 theiving. The only bad thing is most of these are directed towards combat, like castle wars, and the harder quests are usually just harder because the higher level things you have to kill. I think it would be nice to see some higher level quest. It would give me more reason to level up, because i wouldn't be able to do them now.


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I'd be more than happy if Jagex gave us an ultimate quest that requires a lot of hard quests (legends, desert treasure, etc) done and a lot of high lvl skills. If the quest had a good reward, it would motivate people to train different skills.








We've had a lot of low lvl quests, we want a high lvl quest now :P



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Thanks for responding...glad I'm not the only one. :D








It would especially be cool, if the quest was based on high (70 or 80+) non-combat skills only so that the level 3 pures could do it and get some pretty neat rewards too.

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