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The New Warped Floor t11 equipment.


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As we all know, warped floors are coming out next week! :thumbsup:


In the Behind the Scenes, I noticed this tidbit:

The final batch of tier-11 equipment will be released with this update, introducing additional primal, celestial and sagittarian gear. This is by far the most powerful gear available in the game to date, so max hit hunters should look to Daemonheim for ultimate epicness.


Now, we all know that the tier-11 stuff that have yet to be released are the primal longsword, spear, 2h, platebody, and the sagittarian and celestial tops. Now, I'm pretty sure most of you would eliminate longsword, spear, and the celestial top from your bind list, which kind of defeats the "ultimate epicness" of these items.


Therefore, my suggestion is to go MORE than DPS. I'm going to suggest that all of the above weapons and armor pieces have special effects that make them like no other piece of equipment in dungeoneering! (Except maybe slayer gear but that's something unrelated.)


Primal Longsword - The Swordsman's Choice


As we all know, longswords are kind of shunned upon compared to other weapons in Daemonheim. First off, its stats are inferior to its cousin, the primal battleaxe (which was already released with occult, by the way). Next, its stab is controlled which disables it from using it with berserker. This makes longswords one of the weaker choices of weaponry. Therefore, it needs some serious buffing action!

- the primal longsword should have a speed buff - up to speed 6.

- the stab works with both berserker AND tactician.

- it has a brutal special attack: when used, your character deals TWO hits - both of with have a 100% chance of hitting! Max hit is NOT boosted however. This attack will use up 50% of the bar per use.

- it has the ability to absorb dragonfire to some extent. Combine this with an anti-dragon shield and you can totally avoid dragonfire damage.


Primal Spear - Jack of All Trades


Spears used to be one of the best weapons in dungeoneering. However, class rings made them fail since NONE of the ring classes works on them. This alone makes the spear another shunned piece of equipment. Therefore it AGAIN needs some buff!

- ALL styles can work with berserker AND tactician.

- poison ALWAYS hits the enemy even if it is "immune" to poison.

- it has a rather versatile special attack: when used, your character deals THREE hits boosted by 25% att/str - a stab, slash, and crush attack. Keep in mind, monster weaknesses DO factor here, so if the monster is strong against slash, the slash attack may not hit. This attack uses up 25% of the spec bar per use.

- it also has the ability to absorb some dragonfire. This + protect from magic = no dragonfire damage.


Primal 2h - Dreadnaut's Pet


I know what you're thinking. "The 2h's the best, it doesn't need a buff." Well, sure, but if you buff the longsword and spear, leaving the 2h alone, it kinda loses its place in the warped series rewards. Therefore, I'm going to make the primal 2h like the other two - very special weapons which should always be a choice in any circumstance.

- it has the ability to hit from a distance - up to 2 squares exactly like a dragon halberd.

- its special attack is nothing to be trifled with: when used, your character hits a massive blow that hits 50% above your maximum hit. (This DOES stack with berserker!) However, this attack can also miss. It's a hit-or-miss type of thing. This attack uses 100% of the spec bar, so take a chance!

- adding to the special attack, if the enemy is more than one square big, you will deal TWO hits on the enemy (not bosses though)! Try and get double max hits!

- like the other two weapons, it can also absorb some dragonfire. Combine with protect from magic to 0-damage dragonfire.


Primal Platebody, Sagittarian Body, and Celestial Robe Top - The Best Protection


Of course, we have yet to look at the armor pieces right? With powerful weapons also come powerful armor. These warped pieces of armor (see what I did there?) don't just defend you, but can also deflect 1/4 damage received if you happen to get hit!


Primal platebody: has a 10% chance of deflecting range damage and 5% chance melee damage

Sagittarian body: has a 10% chance of deflecting magic damage and 5% chance range damage

Celestial robe top: has a 10% chance of deflecting melee damage and 5% chance magic damage




That's all, thanks for reading. Hope the tier 11 items REALLY shine this time :thumbsup:


If you have anything to add, please say so! Constructive feedback is always welcome :)




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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To be honest..


I like. Good Ideas man Keep it up.



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You are F2P, thus i don't know why you bother thinking up ideas jagex will not implement(and you wouldn't get the benefit of anyway).


If your ideas were a bicycle, you would be riding it sideways(reference to balance).

First to 99 Farming on 27. September, 2005.

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Sorry, but I'm not feelin' it.


- Why those items in particular? There's a plethora of t11 equipment.

- The improvements are just . . . overpowered and kinda random.


It's hard to say that the primal 2h will be the new staple weapon until the floors actually come out. Having a team with a variety of attack styles might become incredibly important. We just don't know.


That said, I'm not against the idea of t11 weapons (all of them) having specs. I just don't see a reason for it at the moment.

To put it bluntly, [bleep] off.

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I picked those items, because they are from the warped floors, which Jagex claims to have "the most powerful gear in the game". Since the requirement itself is hard to get to, why not give them some speciality? There are things like shadow silk hoods and hexhunter bows that have special effects, but I don't see why tier 11 stuff don't/won't. They're meant to be exclusive in the first place anyway.


That being said, I MIGHT probably do all tier 11 items. I just feel that it's necessary to do the most rewarding items first.


@ xpx: I just like thinking up interesting ideas and ways certain aspects of the game could be improved. If I can ever become a member, I can venture deeper into this aspect. It's just something I find enjoyable :P




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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I dunno, I think the stats alone are enough to warrant getting primal.


Although I will agree that something needs to be done to make Longswords and Spears at least usable.

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Sounds Over powered

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Yeah I'm sort of re-thinking this suggestion a bit...


Though there does need to be something that makes tier 11 items stand out. And ESPECIALLY the compatibility of rings with certain weaponry.




Trimmed | Master Quester | Final Boss

Boss pets: Bombi | Shrimpy | Ellie | Tz-Rek Jad | Karil the Bobbled | Mega Ducklings

120s: Dungeoneering | Invention

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