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Some pixel sigs of mine


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Hi! Um. Well, my friend Misterxman encouraged me to post my sigs on the public forums. I've been pretty hesitant, since I'm sometimes sensitive to critiques, and I don't want any of these stolen, but eh. Here are a few sigs I've done in the past two months or so. Oldest ones are at the top. Newest at the bottom.












Sig made when I was with him; we're good friends now though. He's a staker. I know the background sucks a -lot- in this one, but ah well. =(












First try at a sig that has two major frames to it.












Simple sig. There is a ripped version of this floating around, ugh.












This was a big step for me. First try at some image animation.












First time attempting some sort of flowing animation. =]












Christmas sig! :D












Did something a little different with this one: zoomed in on him a bit. I guess it'd look better if I made it so you can see his face in the ahrims, but ah well. I wub ze froggy cannon, hehehe.












First time drawing guthans + bloodveld which looks weird. Bloodvelds look weird in the game anyway. :(












First time drawing a gargoyle. Gah. >_












Last one I made just a couple days ago.








But yea, those are a few of my work. I know I suck at backgrounds & the ground. Hoping to get better with that, drawing hands, and other things that need working on. Critique away, if you wish. Just don't be too hard on me! :(








And oh! Yea, this is my first post on Tip.it. Hi everyone. :D

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


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Well. I've been pixelling for a year now, but those are my most recent. Trust me, you don't want to see how my sigs looked one year ago. :P








Thanks for the comments though. :)








Tutorial, ehhh. Trust me, I'm not a great tutor lol. I've been trying to help people with sigging lately, but I end up confusing them. :(

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


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:o im falling in love with pixel girls the last sig is fantastic you draw pixel girls brilliantly Mxm was right stick around and enter couple of competitions you will definatly be big on these forums well with my help you will :D








and hey Mxm








plus welcome pequ and congradulations on making your first post we hope you will love it here

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I usually start with a head or a chest. Then work my way out. Circles for head, trapazoids for chests, ovals for legs, circles for hands. Basic shapes. Then I go back and add in details. However, I should note.. my sigs are not 100% MS Paint. I sketch these on my drawing pad then edit the fuzzyness out, then edit/color on MS Paint. Then throw in some Photoshop for certain things like text, fire, etc. Mostly MS Paint though. I used to make them from scratch in ms paint, but sketching them is so much easier and helps me make sigs faster. ^_^

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


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Yea, I love Xman's comical sigs. They're awesome. I'm afraid I haven't gotten to see any of Terley's though (or maybe I have but didn't know it was him!), but I'd love to. Always nice to see some brilliant artwork. :)








Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. =)

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


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Yea, I love Xman's comical sigs. They're awesome. I'm afraid I haven't gotten to see any of Terley's though (or maybe I have but didn't know it was him!), but I'd love to. Always nice to see some brilliant artwork. :)








Thanks for the warm welcome, everyone. =)








np you deserve it for such great work




woah there soo good i must study the sigs and learn to make fantastic girls like yours

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For some reason, I've always been better at drawing the female anatomy than male. Maybe it's because I'm a female myself? I dunno, but it's just always been that way. The males in my sigs tend to look feminine, too, despite how hard I try to make them look masculine. :(

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


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For some reason, I've always been better at drawing the female anatomy than male. Maybe it's because I'm a female myself? I dunno, but it's just always been that way. The males in my sigs tend to look feminine, too, despite how hard I try to make them look masculine. :(








like me then i can draw males good but not females we could teach each other :D if you want that is?

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can i have the link? oh yea








For some reason, I've always been better at drawing the female anatomy than male. Maybe it's because I'm a female myself? I dunno, but it's just always been that way. The males in my sigs tend to look feminine, too, despite how hard I try to make them look masculine.












i think it is because we know our own bodies so well. i looked up female anatomy on google, but nothing really shows the muscles and all that, it shows.... you know what i mean so im gonna go out and but a book unless i can find an actual good anatomy page with none of that preverted stuff. not saying i can not look at the human body with out going "eww" but still no need for all that... yea, the human body is by far the most beautiful creation on earth so why insult it in those ways...

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The animation one is definitely a personal fav for me as well. And eh. Trust me, you probably won't really care for the artwork on my old dev account. Mostly sketches and anthro things, no rs stuff except like one pixel sig I posted on it. I'm working on making a dev account for rs right now though. I'll post all of my sigs on there that I've ever done. It'll be pequ.deviantart.com once I activate it. *waits for activation email* :P








And lol wcer. I feel special now. :P








Ok. That's activated now. Bear with me while I put my really old sigs in first so you can see how far I've come. This may take a while lol.

Proud Gladiator since 11-14-04


99 Hits | 99 Att | 99 Str | 99 Def | 123 Combat

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