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Everything posted by Sereth

  1. I'd rather be carried around on a shield. Or not say anything and just do something that looks awesome.
  2. Indeed, listening to his live at St. Gallen cd, amazing.
  3. Not everyone is a shredder, myself included. :D I wouldn't mind being an uber fast shredder, but I'm pretty content with where I am with the instrument right now, after 5 years. I'll always keep learning, of course. You rule, mate. I had the absolute pleasure and privalege of seeing this man and his band play in Brisbane, Australia on Sunday, December 11th, 2005. Incredible. :) You have my envy. One for going/living in Australia, and another for seeing him live. If he every comes to Texas I am going to his show. Edit- And I will climax if he pays Ocean anywhere near as good as the one on my link. Yes, climax.
  4. Meh. Not really weird compared to some people at my school but meh. -My friends and I have hung out together so much that we can carry on entire conversations where every sentence is an inside joke. Not weird, but quite fun to see people's reactions. -I really, really don't care how long I have worn the same pair of pants/shorts as long as they don't look bad, but wearing the same shirt within 3 days is unbearable sometimes. -My music taste can be random. Sometimes my cds will go from metal to a ukelele cover of a song.
  5. Apparently going to the gym every day but working out different muscle parts helps or something. Don't really know, I could get cut and such, but I lack the desire to do so. Lazyness is appealing. I'm going to be so fat in/after college.
  6. Everyone should just take a chillaxitive(yeah, I said it) and eat some chocolate. There's better ways to spend a Holiday/free day, depending on who you are, than posting words on a forum about the meaning of the Holiday/free day.
  7. Anything extremely musical/sports. Hearing stories about those people that have the ability to just watch a person play an instrument and then pick it up and play it well makes me jealous. If I could get good enough with the guitar, it would be a nonstop track of "Ocean" by John Butler Trio (Amazing instrumental, youtube it or something, it's different every time though) For the lazy, I would always have to play atleast some of the best parts of this version of Ocean every time I picked up la geetar. Linky link. Kind of soft.
  8. I don't need a gun, I keep a mini Chuck Norris in my pocket for help if robbed. Yes, I did pull out a CN joke.
  9. I just remembered a good quote from some non-believer that I found somewhere that pretty much sums up some peoples dislike or Christianity. "It's not God I don't like, it's his fan club I can't stand."
  10. Indeed, it is annoying when an entire group of people get represented by the thoughts and actions of a few. Take the Muslims, most of them are just like everyone else, but because of the radical groups, they get comments like "hey look, a muslim, give us your bomb" Edit- Religionist time here: I don't have a problem with people who don't necessarily go to church, because some churches can be intimidating and confusing to outsiders. However, if I think a kid is going down the wrong way of life, I will try to talk with them and help them out. Ihate how people spend so much time and resources arguing on stuff like this when instead we could all agree to disagree and go help out poor people in need of food and shelter and such. I always hear the argument from some argumentative atheists that "Christianity has caused wars and suffering in the past so it must be bad," but atleast in my church we go out on mission trips and build houses for people in cities like Juarez Mexico where most houses are cardboard.
  11. Blegh, 'discussions' over what people believe are annoying. I'm Christian but I don't really care what others believe unless they.. A-Insult my faith/God B-Be jerks about it C-Are going to end up in a crackhouse or something, then I might try and help them Also, Christianity can get a bad rep because of all those tv shows and roadside evangelists whose main message is either "God wants you to give me money" or "YOU ARE A SINNER AND GOING TO HELL" There are pretty much 2 different Holidays for everything religion based: The Church/religions holiday and the twisted version made by corporate America. Oh well, I get candy.
  12. Meh. Most of the worst things that happened where when I was little. Broken wrist, couldn't talk so I went a week without getting it checked, slamming my fingernail in a door and having the doctor rip it off with a hook thing, tooth pulled and the anasthetic didn't work. On a vacation with my youth group we went to San Antonio and floated down some river for a few hours. Oddly, my friends and I who put on the sunblock got burned, while the kids who didn't put any on were fine.
  13. As said by Jim Gaffigan.. "Easter, the day Jesus rose from the dead, what should we do?ÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬ÃâÃ
  14. Nice trunk. Heheh. So funny am I. But anyways people probably think it must be traced because pixels around here haven't been too good since the decline of sig selling and that it reminds me of a RS tree(haven't played for about a year, going off memory)
  15. Much better. You should still be able to see his eyes outline, earlier it just looked blank. Looking great.
  16. -Make his eyes and nose stand out a bit more. Looks almost like a blank face imo. -Shade in the wheels and such on the board a bit more, just for effects I guess. -His left arm is too skinny, especially near the shoulder-bicep area. Background is great though, love the city.
  17. Blurry, but still good. Your messing around>me trying. :wall:
  18. Read her fine print. Anyways. Looking at it, her right forearm seems to be small and out of proportion with her upper arm. And her left arm is just odd. But they do look like that in the picture also, so I'm going to stop looking before my brain hurts.
  19. I like it. I stopped looking at most of the pixels whenever selling them became illegal.
  20. 2nd set of colors is better, except for the lava.
  21. Ok scrap the pipe, I have a new idea, still with bubbles.
  22. I need help on my bottom part of the pole(havent started the rest)..Basically my idea is to have a bubble pipe on the bottom and the bubbles fighting eachother as they float upwards, towards [bleep]es.
  23. I'll have a go, might not be good, but I'm on break and bored. Someone might have to do the transparency stuff though.
  24. whats with the personal attack ? :cry: I was using you as an example. It's more of a compliment, saying you are the best pixeler I've ever seen, which is why I chose you to compare to. I wouldn't exactly take that as a complement... Besides..while Jr's piece is good, there are still some* people better. *number unknown*..Like this guy..clicky. On-topic. I like the shading on the rock, but the anatomy could be fixed a bit. His upper left arm shouldn't have two muscles, and I'm pretty sure that so much of the arm shouldn't be shown, as his torso isn't turned towards out direction. Also, his left side abs look a bit small compared to the other side.
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