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Game Programmers, I need your help!!!!!


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Well... yeah. Now I need more help. I want to start in game design for computers (hear me out).








Now, I know it's not as easy as building a comp, but please, I need to know three things:








1. What kind of hardware would I need (like a terabyte harddrive, or 2gb memory, or the like...)?








2. What programs are out there that help with game design (both expensive or cheap, but they must work well)?








3. How do I learn how it works? are there any tutorials out there? Is this something I can even jump into like html, because i've heard that people can make a game with no knowledge as to how it works; they teach themselves. Please, I wish to learn.








All jokes aside, guys. I'm not smiling and I'm about to die. please help me in my endevor. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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If your really interested in learning more about game programming and perhaps even dipping into it yourself in the future then I would suggest you go to the GameDev website. This website has a mountain of information about gaming programming, lots of resources. You won't find much more help here on this forum.

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If you are just starting out learning a programming language, i wouldnt worry about your computer yet... I learned to program at first on a 250 mhz computer with 256 mb of ram. (those were the days)


rotalsnarT laciffO

Solving the confusion once and for all

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