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Flashing my x850 video card to XT


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Well been looking at this for a little while and am desiding to do it. If you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll tell you. The x850 pro has 12 pipelines with 4 locked. The step up model has all 16 unlocked. You can flash it to a XT and get the 4 extra pipes.








So here is my problem. To flash it I need a floppy drive and a blank floppy. I don't have a floppy drive. Is there a way to flash the bios without going into DOS and flash it in Windows XP?








I have the x850 XT bios already that are waiting to be flashed. I have read there is a fan problem after flashing it. If anyone knows where I can find bios of a x850 pro with the 16 pipes.








I hope someone can understand that. Thanks for your help in advance.

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Yeah, get a floppy drive. If your computer supports it you could use a USB drive I suppose. But would it really be worth the hassle?








If you don't know what you're doing in the first place, I wouldn't change any instructions you get from someone.








I've already done my 9800Pro and made that an XT. In the process I have actually damaged something and certain shades of grey change colours to red and green often. It's annoying, but it's the chance you take.








These things are usually irreversable too, so if you don't know what you're doing, I suggest you stop now. :)


Notoriously Trollish.

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I know what I'm doing :) . I have flashed other stuff before on different computers with floppy drives.








I have read if you mess up you can just reflash back with your back up bios.








So could I do this with a USB floppy drive also? If I can, someone I know is bound to have one.

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I know what I'm doing :) . I have flashed other stuff before on different computers with floppy drives.








I have read if you mess up you can just reflash back with your back up bios.








So could I do this with a USB floppy drive also? If I can, someone I know is bound to have one.








One thing, have you ever tried the backup bios? :)








I have, it didn't work and fried my card, I had to boot with a borrowed PCI card and reflash it with yet another XT bios for it to work.








The USB floppy drive will only work if your motherboard supports booting from USB devices. Borrow one and try it.








Remember to try things out for yourself, you can't break anything unless you actually flash the card with the wrong bios.








After you flash it feels like an eternity when it's rebooting doesn't it? Especially on a ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã150+ card. :P


Notoriously Trollish.

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