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Minz - A skiller's madness

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Minz' Goals and Achievements



Hi there. Name's Matthew and I'm 20 years of age, studying at University. Been playing RuneScape on and off since '02, but came back around July last year after a heavy break.


Mostly been playing as a skiller, then ending up messing them up and getting combat... But not this time <3:


'Minz' was created in 2010 and after 3 days of F2P I gave in and went P2P again. After getting 60+ stats, I decided to try for 99 Firemaking since I'd done it before, its cheap and I find it fun. As I neared my goal, I thought I might try for Cooking as well and get it at the same time, having a double-party. With this in mind, I stopped Firemaking at 1 experience off 99 and started Cooking. One thing led to another and here I am unable to get that 99 #-o


My eventual goal is to get all skiller skills to 1 experience off 99 and I'll see what I do after that.


The Skills



I will be doing Agility alongside with Hunter until Hunter is finished. This will be done using butterflies, and some courses inbetween if I dont meet the Agility requirement for the next butterfly. After Hunter is finished, I will do either Gnome or Barbarian Advanced courses to finish off Agility




Construction is nice and simple, I will do oak dungeon doors using Stealing Creation hammers. My daily assists will go to Construction until I reach 91 Runecrafting .




I will hunt red Salamanders to 80 Hunter then moving onto Ruby Harvests, and proceeding through the butterflies till Hunter is finished, breaking to reach the required Agility level if needed.




Living rock caverns, Decorated Mining urns, several gravestones and a dragon pickaxe pretty much sums up Mining for me. Will be powermining Concentrated Gold as I'm after experience and really dont need the money for anything.




Ah, the killer... I will be doing 91 Runecrafting before any more skills, so that I can assist it while doing them. Other than that, decided to just do ZMI all the way as its decent experience. Not making much off it, but dont really need the money for anything so that's fine by me!




Thieving shouldn't take too long once I decide to actually do it. Will be pickpocketing Ardougne Knights till 81 then Pyramid Plunder all the way most likely.



Finished Skills



minz.png - 04/12/2010



minz.png - 03/01/2011



minz.png - 20/01/2011



minz.png - 23/01/2011



minz.png - 26/01/2011



minz.png - 02/03/2011



minz.png - 03/04/2011



minz.png - 12/04/2011



minz.png - 21/04/2011

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Experience log:

All experience will be tracked with RuneTracker


05/05/11: 30k Construction, 52k Runecrafting

04/05/11: 30k Construction, 63k Runecrafting

03/05/11: 30k Construction, 75k Runecrafting

02/05/11: 10k Runecrafting

01/05/11: 30k Construction, 297k Runecrafting


[spoiler=April 2011]

30/04/11: 30k Construction, 246k Runecrafting

29/04/11: 30k Construction, 303k Runecrafting

28/04/11: 30k Construction, 146k Runecrafting

27/04/11: 30k Construction, 179k Runecrafting

26/04/11: 30k Construction, 244k Runecrafting, 25k Slayer

25/04/11: 30k Construction, 198k Runecrafting

24/04/11: 30k Construction, 71k Runecrafting

23/04/11: 30k Construcion, 21k Runecrafting - Blame Portal <3:

22/04/11: 30k Construction, 245k Runecrafting

21/04/11: 30k Construction, 57k Farming, 160k Runecrafting




Levels Log:


01/05/11: 90 Runecrafting

30/04/11: 89 Runecrafting

28/04/11: 88 Runecrafting

26/04/11: 87 Runecrafting, 63 Slayer

22/04/11: 86 Runecrafting

21/04/11: 85 Runecrafting, 1 experience off 99 Farming

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I am absolutely jealous of everything in here.


Gotta, say probably coolest skiller I've ever seen. Major respect.


I am a sort of skiller in a way (even though I'm 19 Combat), so I even more respect.


Good luck! Feel free to add me ingame if you want.




92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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Naaw, they removed the xp gains in Randoms a while back ;)


Biggest danger is when I use an experience lamp/penguins on Slayer as I might misclick a different skill. But as long as I'm careful I'm safe :D


I thought about stopping slightly before, but thats no fun, 1 experience off is much more interesting :cool:

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Wonderful stats :)


What University are you at?


Thanks :P And I'm studying at Bournemouth University


Only reason I haven't put Slayer in as a goal is that if I decide to do it, it will be done last and there's only one way to really get it (via Soul Wars). All my experience lamps and penguins go towards Slayer presently.


And on Dungeoneering... I dont see it as a skill. Only reason it's at 58 was for Scroll of Cleansing. I would rather play Soul Wars for Slayer than leech dungeons. No plans to get Dungeoneering currently - maybe to 60 because it looks nicer than 58 :roll:

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Finally got another Runecrafting level! Made way too many laws today :shock:




I should have enough cash to cover the cost of essence for the next level, so I will try keep all the laws I make and see how many I end up getting 86-87. Interested to see if the Laws:Essence ratio improves much between the levels.

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Thanks! And ye, I do tend to do things rather quickly.


Portal 2 arrived and needless to say it distracted me a bit <3: Probably complete it tomorrow afternoon so Runecrafting is on hold until then. Thinking ZMI next since I dont really need the money from Laws and its an extra 4-5k experience/hour (using long route as dieing with pouches really annoys me) :unsure:

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Portal 2 finished, enjoyed very much :thumbsup:


Time for Runecrafting again, doing ZMI since I dont feel like Laws anymore... Less profit, more experience suits me fine <_<

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I really wanna play Portal 2, but can't be bothered to spend $50 on it..

Keep up the good work!


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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If you're looking for a few good hours of laughs and puzzles it's definitely worth buying. Although there isn't much replayability as of yet (I'd guess custom maps/map packs will add to it).


Managed a fair bit of Runecrafting today, not really pushing for much more than 100k experience/day as its nearing exam time so have to do some studying I guess.


Hoping to get 87 tomorrow, should manage :pray:

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Wow... Thats pretty much all I can say o.0 your stats at the minute are amazing, and being 1 exp off them 99s is just amazing :D are you going to get all the 99s at once, including slayer? Or not gonna get 99 slayer atsame time?

Either way, amazing. Goodluck!


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Thanks :) The only real problem-skill I have left is Runecrafting, the rest shouldn't take too much effort.


Not too sure what I'm going to do after getting all my skills up (besides Slayer and Dungeoneering). Might very well get them all at once as I'm not too keen on spending hours afk'ing at Soul Wars for Slayer... or even for Dungeoneering... Not really worried about that yet though, still have a good 4-5 months to go before I'm thinking about what's next :roll:

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I'm curious to how you have 133 LP, is that because of a rocktail? Or Saradomin Brew?


92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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Ah ye, was a rocktail while doing penguins. Didn't notice it was still in effect :rolleyes:


Pretty much going to stick to ZMI now, as I'm getting a decent 24k experience/hour using the long route which isn't half bad...


Off University for the next two days, so going to get in a large amount of Runecrafting :thumbsup:

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Hey Minz great to see your still persevering with the skilling

and yea just got done with my exams as well

but hope you try to get 98 in slayer some day would be legen...wait for it....dary lol ;)

O! and its Que-Pac btw

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As nice as it would be to get 98 Slayer, I dont see me sitting in Soul Wars for 1500 hours to get enough zeal. I have the sneaky feeling I might go for a 200m stat after I reach all my goals, but again - I simply dont know yet :blink:


Getting rather bored of Runecrafting now, but that's to be expected I guess... Will get 91 by next weekend so quite happy about that :pray: Simply because it means I can start on a different skill and leave Runecrafting for assisting with for a while. Probably finish off Construction since I expect I'll have enough money for the planks, if not I'll simply do something else that doesn't require money :???:

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Hehe, it was hard for the first few skills, and for things like Herblore but I got used to it I guess.


Finally snapped up another Runecrafting level, and actually remembered the screeny <_<




ZMI is turning a profit now, nothing special but enough to cover Construction costs, and maybe enough for Mining urns.

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