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need suggestions and advice on pixel!


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well here it is folks:




















plz feel free to be harsh :wink:









"Let your feelings be like that of a monkey in a pinata, hiding inside with the candy hoping that the kids don't break through with the stick."

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PIxel sig = DEtail








I don't see much detail..there's one tree...Stars have no variation. Um what you need to do is add texture on the ground. And shadowing! There's a moon, your source of light. So it looks a bit flat.








You know I'll just list what you *Could* do with the sig:








- More varying poses




- Moon shouldn't be just a yellow circle




- Need wayy more stuff on the ground.




- Shadowing




- Shadowing




- Shadowing




- Shadowing




- Shadowing




- Shadowing




- Detail




- Detail




- Detail








Or you could make the characters bigger??








Anyways sorry for being too critical, just trying to help :D

[sig inserted here....in few days]

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Yeah, I can't even tell what the hell's going on, let alone give any crits.








Guessing ranger with mage bow is ranging some mage in ahrims or something.








Although the string on the bow is not blue...And yeah, lower up the spray.











RSN--44warriorz44-|90 str|86 attack|70 def|85 hp|52 pray|102 cmb

--[Proud leader of Final Destination! http://z6.invisionfree.com/RSFinaldestination/index.php?

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All you need to put on so people don't rip it is a few 'samples' set at 50% opacity. If your using pure paint, then just use a little spray.




Other than that, I like it. Its simple, and you could use better shading, but I like the ranger. :) Good job.

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thanks guys for the harsh critiue :D , and the guy said he didnt wanted to much goin on so that y it looks a bit bare :? but ya the ground definately needs detail and ne suggetions on how to make the moon look 3d?








thnx again,









"Let your feelings be like that of a monkey in a pinata, hiding inside with the candy hoping that the kids don't break through with the stick."

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line works preaty good. i think thats a crystal bow but its to BIG.




any ways shadows are a major thing when its dark with moon light. shading needs some work. and definitly more things in your background.








some ideas for the background. umm more trees. maybe the dark knight castel. graveyards are my favorites, but you never realy see them.




and maybe like the dragon pit or somthing.








just trying to help :wink:

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thank u again will use all suggestions. I really like the graveyard idea . . .









"Let your feelings be like that of a monkey in a pinata, hiding inside with the candy hoping that the kids don't break through with the stick."

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BG is pretty empty, add more to it.








^yep^ also i dont really see shading on the monk guy but maybe cause the red blobs sprays are covering it, add a shadow for ur char, more trees, possiably add a deadly red spider, or some kind of small animal or something dead. also like dave said bow is to big. thats pretty much i can see, good job so far :)

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