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~~ Your Skill Experience Per Hour ~~


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I never, ever time my exp/hour. I just do a skill till i reach a certain level (and I farm in between 8-) ).


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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157,140 Firemaking XP per hour with Maple Logs at Edgeville. But that's pretty concentrated with few mistakes.




Awesome! I've just started using my 24k maples from kingdom, 150k an hour sounds good to me =]



currently smithing

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157,140 Firemaking XP per hour with Maple Logs at Edgeville. But that's pretty concentrated with few mistakes.




Awesome! I've just started using my 24k maples from kingdom, 150k an hour sounds good to me =]




Which turns into 1164 logs per hour so...




Normal Logs: 46,560 xp per hour


Oak Logs: 69,840 xp per hour


Willow Logs: 104,760 xp per hour


Teak Logs: 122,220 xp per hour


Maple Logs: 157, 140 xp per hour


Mahogany Logs: 183,330 xp per hour


Yew Logs: 244,440 xp per hour


Magic Logs: 353,565 xp per hour





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87 prayer: 230-260k per hour.


Woah! Are you using your POH for this? Because I'm getting like 70k an hour ectophiliating d bones. I guess you must be then.

He has to be using gilded alter with butler unnoting drag bones.




The servants refuse to unnote bones of any type. He either is using runners or more likely just teleporting back and forth (duel ring and house teleport).




Or my way, using the Rimmington General Store! :D




Or my way (which I haven't tried on bones yet, but it works for construction) using the Glory from the quest hall to tele to edge. I'm not sure which of the three is the fastest and the difference must be in the few seconds.


Current goals: Going for 80 80 80.

Recent goals achieved: 70 70 70 done.


Major Achievement: Fire Cape at 79 combat.

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