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Celtic Knot complete table

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So i was thinking.. if u put all the possible known locations for the elite compass scroll, y not making all possible solvings for Celtic Knots puzzles?

Just making a screenie when the puzzle is solved then putting on the site and making it look like the compass scroll solving taable.


Just an idea. =]



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The thing about the celtic knot puzzle is it is probably randomised. The game selects which form of the puzzle it will be (how many crossings/what kind) and has the solution with the gaps filled with other runes. and then it just rotates each knot randomly, meaning there are likely very VERY many different combinations of the puzzle. :(

The guide already shows the method fairly well, but it *could* be worth it to show one of each form of the puzzle, as some have more crossings than others. regardless of what kind it is though, the solution method is the same.


EDIT: I know I posted this a while back (before I was full crew actually) but I guess it still stands, the guide currently details how to solve celtic knots well, and there will be litterally millions of possible arrangements of this kind of puzzle. However many thanks for the suggestion, but it just isn't practical.

If you have any questions/eetc, feel free to PM me :)


Edited by Octarine19


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