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Affording turmoil... Need some advice.


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I am currently about 45m bank and really want turmoil. Now, i think i can just afford to get it using big bones... But i don't think i can handle using bones on an altar for that long, it'll kill me >.>



So. Are there any alternative ways to train prayer... OR how can i make some more money so i can afford a faster bone.


Big bones = 44m - 60k/hour

Bdragon bone = 53m - 115k xp/hour

Infernal ashes = 63m - 230k xp/hour

Dragon bones = 75m - 275k xp/hour




The money is currently invested in armour, but i don't mind selling it of course.


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79 slayer but that's kinda lame money and experience.


I'm using peng points on summoning as that's harder than making a few m for me.


What are these methods? >.< The only thing i ever do for money now days is duo bandos... But that's not exactly a reliable income.


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The estimate for 230k/hour on ashes is terribly low, I just finished getting 95 using ashes, my own alter, tele tabs, rings of dueling, and a wartort, and I averaged 1800 ashes per hour which is close to 390k/hour. Something to consider.

Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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The estimate for 230k/hour on ashes is terribly low, I just finished getting 95 using ashes, my own alter, tele tabs, rings of dueling, and a wartort, and I averaged 1800 ashes per hour which is close to 390k/hour. Something to consider.

Wait what? How? Do ashes 'use' faster than bones or something, because the most i've ever been able to do wtih dragon bones is 1150, which is where the estimates come from (roughly) And that's with the exact same setup as you.


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I'm not sure where the discrepancy comes from but I used both the xp tracker and a written record of bones to monitor how many I was using. I was getting ~1200 per tort, and a tort lasts 43 minutes. It doesn't quite work out to 1800/hour but it is close. I also didn't use the program that cannot be named, or mouse keys. One thing I did use that I know some people may not is that instead of having the left click for summon be "Take BoB" I used interact it would allow for me to have faster banking, also my lag for loading my house was ~1second so I didn't loose much time for that. The only other thing I can consider is that I'm fairly fast with moving and clicking the mouse, often having it where it needed to be before the game would switch displays.

Quest Cape Achieved on November 14, 2007


Items Acquired

Crystal Pick and Hatchet

Berzerker Ring x 3

3/28 Barrows Items

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