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latest pixal sig w.i.p


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here the latest sig i have been working i have been getting it the habit of not finishing my sigs but im have lots of fun with this 1












i have tried some new stuff for a grass a diffrent technic but not sure of it yet
























plz tell me wat is better and how 2 improve








cc, rate

sig and avy by born2die

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can become a sweet sig. I'd say add big containers of like bubbly froth in background and such since you have the "science" theme going. As for grass.. i duno.. neither look much like it to me.












keep it up :D

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I think the bloke is a bit small... and i dont like the idea of grass i think it should be more like a dungeon like the bricks in mysticsayans'.




Can't wait till it's finished.


eddieperfect - (Unjustly) Banned 06.06

eddieperfekt - Created 05.11.06

Prankster_King - "ItÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s just click after click after click."


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nice work. yer it should be in a dungeon, with like big barrels of beer in the background bubling or something. i like the idea though. as for the grass, neither really look like it. there is some in princessa's sig which is good, but the top one is more like the colour of grass.








good luck finishing!


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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