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operating system won't boot


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i purchased/received new computer parts for christmas and the rest I ordered all today. Only 1 part from my old computer(pre built dell crap) i kept was the harddrive.


everything is set i turn on the computer and windows 7 refuses to boot, on top of this my monitor is going on a loop from sleep-working everytime it fails to load.


do i really need to buy win7 and a new hdd?


any help is appreciated


If you quote me please be sure to note that I'm extremely mad.

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1) Make sure bios is set to boot from that harddrive

2) What precisely is it doing? If it is getting part way then failing and rebooting you should see if you get to the safe-mode boot option as usually its just having trouble settling itself to the new hardware.

If it's just being no boot at all you should have a disc/partition to direct the boot sequence at which can be used to repair/restore the OS and hopefully get things working.


When I recently upgraded my system it ran through the boot sequence about 5 times before it managed to actually boot, which it did very slowly; but after that I installed the appropriate mobo drivers and it settled itself nicely.


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the bios is booting from the hdd.

i don't actually "own" windows 7(disc wise) because my previous computer came with it, and only the discs for the drivers. It gets to the starting windows section and freezes, reverts back to the windows failed screen and asks to repair/boot normally. I tried repair and it finds nothing.


also, once windows booting fails my monitor goes in to sleep mode and then repeats the process.


E: also i cannot seem to get to safe mode

E2: managed to get to the menu for safe mode etc click safe mode it loads system 32 drivers then crashes and repeats on the same loop of failing to boot windows


If you quote me please be sure to note that I'm extremely mad.

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Can you tell us what you did to resolve the issue?


Usually when there's so many hardware changes, Windows won't be able to load because of the drivers not being there.

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my mobo is a gigabyte P67 kdjfskdljfdlksjd B3


in the bios i had to change something to load XHD instead of IDE due to the way the motherboard works, i'll edit this post in a bit being a bit more specific


If you quote me please be sure to note that I'm extremely mad.

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