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top 5 POH features?


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omg omg omg poh is gonna rock ...w00t just like farming it will be client side with nothing to do in it... ok so people stop getting your hopes up cause when its realeased all this forum gonna be full of is "pmg liek my h0us3 is t3h suck?!?!!@>?>!"

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For those of you who have nothing good to say, have a little bit of courtesy and dont say anything at all.








And id probably choose the following:








1. Bank Chest




2. A backyard with 2-3 yew/mage trees, a fishing spot for lobs/sharks.




3. A work room with things like a furnace, anvil, spinning wheel etc.




4. A rack/shelf type thing to store armor on, and trinquets etc.




5. All the necessities of a normal house, as well as an upstairs with chairs and things, and when there is a clan meeting or something like that, there could be a cutscene type thing, with kide liche or metal speaking, and all of us sitting in chairs looking at em. That would rock :P








But yeah, the work room would probably have to be at least a 1 minute walk away so it wouldnt make things too incredibly easy. And if we could have pets, Id choose probably a black dragon, with just the examining option so he cant be killed and he doesnt attack anyone. When examined would say something like "harmless, and like a teddy bear" or something like that :P Oh, and somewhere in there put in a couple herbs patches.


maxed out melee back in 06, when it was still considered an accomplishment. same with getting 85 slayer, was in the top 2k players to get it.

R.I.P Runescape.. Feb 2, 02 - Jan 2, 08

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