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Tutorial island quiz (not a quiz, a suggestion, read)


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I think that jagex should implement a quiz for tutorial island: one quiz for experenced players not wanting to go through the entire island all over again so if they pass, they'll bypass the island and be teleported directly to Lumbridge. another quiz for the actual new player at the end of the island to prove they are ready to go into the Runescape world, and a review guide NPC to help if they fail the first few times. its not too radical, but i would enjoy the idea. also an option for the experenced players to bypass the first quiz and just do it anyways (for the little xp)








whatcha think? ive been talkin to my buddies about it and they like it...

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You can do the Tutuorial in like 5 minutes if youve done it before.....








More like 15 min or longer I believe..








Anyway, the tutorial is a good way to stop scammers / autoers making new characters too easily and quickly, so no, we don't need a "skip the tutorial" option.

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You can do the Tutuorial in like 5 minutes if youve done it before.....








More like 15 min or longer I believe..








Anyway, the tutorial is a good way to stop scammers / autoers making new characters too easily and quickly, so no, we don't need a "skip the tutorial" option.

id say for that we make a longer totorial. like one that takes 1 hour AT LEAST.
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You can do the Tutuorial in like 5 minutes if youve done it before.....








More like 15 min or longer I believe..








Anyway, the tutorial is a good way to stop scammers / autoers making new characters too easily and quickly, so no, we don't need a "skip the tutorial" option.

id say for that we make a longer totorial. like one that takes 1 hour AT LEAST.








Then in that hour we could teach new people




its wrong to beg and auto etc. This could




give the 'noob' population a better name.

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Or create a super noob to rule all noobs causeing a torrent of noobs to beg for stuff everywhere you go!!!








A half hour on the basics of runescape and tehn half an hour of how to be a noob(with slight amount of brain power the average(real) Noob is more dangerous than an army of Barrows in multi-combat

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Well most people making multiple accounts are probably making pure wcs or miners so theyd want to do the tutorial to get the free stuff thed need.








But i agree we should have the choice to skip it if we want.

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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Totally agree, i have 1 and only 1 character. I just dont see the point in making multiples.








I mean why make a pure miner when u could just raise the mining on your main account. In fact it makes even less sense, since people doing that are probably transferringthe profits to their main account anyway.








And making a low lvl pure noncombat skill character almost sceams autominer. I mean how many times must i see the generic autominer bald with same clothes and in the mining guild no less which i actually had to work to get into. The person was so lazy they couldt even be bothered customizing the charcter.








Sorry, now the topic is getting off track

[omg] who cares if its nerfed or fixed....

you people will argue over the color of a green apple if it was a topic on this fourm god.

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