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Need Help! Cant Choose If I Should Do Combat


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Hey Everyone,


I Need Your Help To Choose Wether I Stay A Skiller Or Should I Start Doing Combat I Know I Have The Money And Prayer Level To Do Stuff As I Have 2m+ To Spend And Have 51 Prayer But I Just Can Decide Wether I Should Or Not :| Im Truely Truely Stuck On My Decison So Someone PLEASE HELP ME CHOOSE! :(

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I would 100% recommend that you start doing combat. Combat opens up so many opportunities especially end game and limiting yourself to not doing combat is in my opinion silly you may also end up damaging your ability to do certain skills because of a lack of quest rewards etc.. Doing combat doesn't mean you can't still be a 'skiller' but the important things to remember about combat is that it is the best high level moneymaker without combat you will not be able to experience roughly 50% of Runescape's content and there is really very little disadvantage to training it.

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I would 100% recommend that you start doing combat. Combat opens up so many opportunities especially end game and limiting yourself to not doing combat is in my opinion silly you may also end up damaging your ability to do certain skills because of a lack of quest rewards etc.. Doing combat doesn't mean you can't still be a 'skiller' but the important things to remember about combat is that it is the best high level moneymaker without combat you will not be able to experience roughly 50% of Runescape's content and there is really very little disadvantage to training it.

Thanks this helped me wether to choose to do it or not, I have decided to do it once all my non combat skills get to level 50-60 because if i do that it will be likely when i start combat i wont be very concerned about skilling like you said i currently have acces to only half or maybe even less of runescapes gameplay and its also a good money maker.


Thanks Heaps Pafectionest

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