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Tom's (Rat Cave) 2300 Total level achieved:D! 99/99 Magic!

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Welcome to my G&A Thread :).








I. Introduction and something about me.



My name is Tom, I'm 19 years old. I want to say hi to everyone here cause im pretty new. I was always watching these blog threads and finally asked myself "Tom, what about making your own blog?". So here I am :). I live in small city in Poland. I have just finished High School and have longest holidays in my life. At the moment I have a job and saving up some cash to buy my own car. But enough of that.







II. My Runescape History and Goals.



I have started playing Runescape in early 2006. That was a nooby times, I had a few accounts but finally created this main (original name Tomash42, currently Boss Gated). I had a few breaks but finnally started playing for a long period of time. I'm hungry of a new levels and basically my main goal is to achieve all skills 90+. After that i should be maxing them one by one but first off I need to make some bank :P.



My stats atm, Im F2P now, going to subscribe in a few days ( maybe tomorrow :D):





Not very sick stats but I'm working on them every day ;). My bank is very poor so i have nothing to show off tbh.







III. Most Recent Levels.


Most Recent 99:







Most Recent Level:







Im currently working on... > workingm.png








IV. 99's Archive.



23.02.2010r - my first 99, Firemaking.

25.02.2010r - 99 Cooking.

28.04.2010r - 99 Woodcutting.

27.04.2011r - 99 Strength.

03.06.2012r - 99 Attack.



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Day 1.


[spoiler=Day 1]


This day wasn't very nolifing. I just achieved 2 Total Levels, wanted to achieve more but I can't even log in to any server cause all of them are OFFLINE :|. So enough of gameplay today, just sharing you my gains :)

85 Mining, achieved at early afternoon:



And 91 Defence:





Tomorrow I will be getting Smithing level and also i might go get membership, we will see :). Please comment guys!


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[spoiler=Day 2]Finally i got my membership so prepare for more screenies :):




Today I have started with getting an Mining Star:




Then managed to make a quest ( I know little noobish but I hate quests):




After that I've gone to pyramid plunder to gain some Thieving xp , which ends up in a lvl:




Continuing my gameplay I went to the Herb habitat to bank my 90 hunt :) :






And to end up my day I was too tired to do anything with my skills so I make Ardy tasks ([bleep] me I'm noob;D):




And tomorrow... Hmm maybe I'll work on Hunter or ... we will see ;)




Yea and thanks for many comments, good motivation from you guys -.-.

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Meh, I need to doublepost

[spoiler=Day 3]Today was a very very busy day. I've managed to do a lot, without many breaks but mainly it was a quest-spin gathering day :). Not much skilling just questing with a god effort. There we go:



Unfortunatelly I've gained another top (meh third one -.-):



Then time for questing:










And only 1 Ttl lvl todai:




Maybe its not chronogical but who cares :).


After all that time for Rfd :) :




I have 2 subquests left, i'd propably wud get it late today, we will see ;).









Please comment! :)

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Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging. Now that you have membership again, the levels should be coming quickly.


Hi! Yea I hope that levels would be much more faster, especially cause I want to get all 90+ skills to the end of July :)



Updated Day 3!

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Day 4 updated :)


[spoiler=Day 5]I will be trying to 'Scape today but I've got ugly hangover and I dont feel very comfortable and well to play :(


Like I said nothing special happened that day, only 2 hunt lvls :):








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Day 5 updated!


[spoiler=Day 6,7,8]

First off levels:








Then quests:










I have also managed to get Seers easy, medium and hard tasks + ardy easy, med, hard tasks ;).

Now ill mainly be doing Slayer.






Comment please!

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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys! It was a long time since I've last updated my thread, got encouraged myself to play on Eoc and I will be updating this thread again. On the other news got a huge progress since last update. A lot total levels was gained past a few months. Actually I've stopped playing this game before Eoc update but I'm playing again for a month now and starting to enjoying it. Got a lot of free time now so I will be updating this thread more often. ;)


Like i said thats my most actual total level screenshoot:



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Like I said i will update thread soon so there we go :P


No more dat Summer pies, I guess i will be cointinuing with this agility arena till 90




Then Herblore:




After herblaw I've taken my feathers and gone to Barb vill to get my fishing level :)




And to finish this day I've lvled my Hunter :)




That was a good day, 2 skills to a 90's gained, I'd love that cause my main goal atm is to get 90's cape. I will be focusing now on Mining and Smithing, both at Lrc. Tomorrow is going to be busy day and its 12 pm so im going to sleep now.


if anyone is interested in following my experience progress check my Runetrack at this link:


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It was and awesome day. So sunny and the weather was great as [bleep]. Sadly, I sat nearly all day on RuneScape but just achievied only 2 Total levels which is 88 Mining and 82 Crafting. Still laik 300 Mining juju pots banked so and I will get 90 maybe in this week cause cant stand mining at Lrc more that 2-3 hrs in a row. So theres a screenshoot:



When it comes to Crafting on early morning ive maxed cap at my clan citadel and got dat Crafting ring. Went to ge (holy sh*t, ge is almost empty now) and asked few people to buy me b staves. After like 30 mins i've gained laik 100k Craft exp and that lovely level (getting closer to 90, so close but so far lol):



After that just done a few Slay tasks which bring me 80k+ slay xp. Good day, could be much better, now I've got a desert strykewyrm task and 137k left till 89 slayer which I will finish tomorrow.


I' dlike to say that im not going to play 07 scape. I know its a lot of fun and nostalgia but not goin to waste another years of my life to achieve that ive got now, on this account. Also its kinda expensive to pay for regular membership and additional 5$ for opportunity to play 07.


Here's my track:



Please comment I need motivation from you guys :)!

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Today i focused mainly on Slayer task, done a lot of them. After like 2 hours of slaying i got a nice reward, was so excited when i saw it on the ground but when i price checked i was so pis*ed :c. But better this than nothing ;) :




And after a while i got that level:




so tired now, going to sleep. Moar updates tomorrow! :D

And yeah 2283/2496 :P




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It is a good time to make a summarision of the month so there is my track from February. I think i have made a great progress.




Now im working on 90 slayer and ill add a picture of it later. Tomorrow ill be leveling a lot so more screenshoots on the way :)!


So yeah here is a screenshoot of my 90 slayer. Now many skills left to all 90+ :)




2284/2496 :D


And like always my track:


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Sup guys!

At first id like to add a picture of my slayer loot tab (88-90):




Today mainly i was training summoning to get rid of my charms and there is a result:









Too bad I had not enough charms to get 90 and Im stuck at 89 :c. Need to grind waterfiends a bit now ;(.

And a last lvl of a day was 94 Magic:




Tomorrow is a Monday, I love mondays :D!

Next week ill be mainly spanning, need to get unbuyables to 90+ and im starting off with Runecrafting :c






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So like i said i went to the runespan and gained two lovely levels ;):





And 84




Also i ve completed that new quest. I was dieing alot and it was a little bit annoying but finnaly i made it. Unfortunatelly forgot to make screenshoot from ending it <.< Dat lovely exp lamps \:D/





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Today ive done a lot of questing, find a motivation to do a few ones ;). Actually im not the biggest fan of quest and im trying to avoid them but there will be a moment when i will be in need to finish them all (pain in the as* lol :D).









And also ive gained some total levels (3). Rest of the day I've spend on Stealing Creation minigame and I will do it tomorrow to to earn some points for sacred clay tools ;)







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Time for another update buds :D Today I was questing a lot and also gained 4 Total levels :P












I will be getting more sc hammers cause I need 90 construction but all non-combat friend chats are almost dead and its hard to get dat points :(


And Herblore





Now quests (done a few easy and a few annoying ones)


Cold War:



Hunt for the red Raktubshit:



A tail of two cats:



Darkness of Halonvale:



and last one Legacy of Seergaze:



Tomorrow I'm planning to do a lot of quests mainly and I've got a great motivation to do it :D






Please support me !

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Update time :D!


I feel kinda quest addict but there are some screenshoots of today progress:


The branches of Darkmeyer:



Missing my mummy:



The tale of muspah:



Whats mine in yours:



Devious minds:



And last one Curse of Arrav:



And after making that quest I wanted to try Bandos to hopefully earn some cash but that was a disaster :( :



Now I'm chilling in Lrc, trying to get 90 Mining while watching youtube videos and listening some music ;)

More updates soon!


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