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TVR Video Capture File Size


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Long time, no see, tip it!!




I've still been browsing the boards every now and then, posting whenever necessary. Haven't talked to many of you in a while!








Well, as always, I have a favour to ask :wink:




I recently purchased a noname TV Tuner for my computer, which works alright. Semi-fuzzy picture, but I can live with that. My problem is, I'd like to record some tv shows, and burn em on DVD. However, the outputted files from all of these Video Capture software is huge!








I've tried several programs, from HonestechTV (came with the card) to PowerCinema, which I understand comes with the ATI card. The PowerCinema, at lowest settings, outputs a file, on average at 45mb/minute. That's crazy! So for a single hour of recording, I'm going to end up with a good 2.7GB file. Is it even possible to fit this properly on a standard DVD?








HonestechTV outputs, at lowest settings, 16mb/minute. The quality is slightly lower than PowerCinema. However, my Tuner quality is iffy as it is, so I simply don't understand why I'm getting such large files.








I'm looking to record a tv show for a friend tonight, it's approx 1 hour long. Any suggestions on how to do this? Is my only option to end up with a file over 1 - 2 GB after the hour, and then attempt to burn to DVD? :?








I've gotta be doing something wrong...this just doesn't seem right. Help please?








Thanks a ton. :P









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Yep, but I'm asking more about the quality and whatnot when I convert it to DVD format in the VOB files. I don't know much about VOB files and their size, as sometimes a 600MB .avi file converts to 4GB worth of VOB's, and sometimes a 1.2GB .avi file converts to the same 4GB. :?

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Yep, but I'm asking more about the quality and whatnot when I convert it to DVD format in the VOB files. I don't know much about VOB files and their size, as sometimes a 600MB .avi file converts to 4GB worth of VOB's, and sometimes a 1.2GB .avi file converts to the same 4GB. :?








they might be just filling the disk...








but use DIVX codec.. get a DIVX DVD player...








you can play all divx encoded files then after jsut burning them as FILES..


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Finally, I get to save the Earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows!

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