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The wise words of a follow runescaper


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Hmm.. well the following is.. um.. yeah








Pk Skaarj -
















Oh Jagex mods come hear my plea,




Please halt all the treachery.




I cannot take it any more,




I have reported over 4




Autoers in world 76 tonight,




And I plead with all my might,




For all of you to finally go




Ban all the autoers that have been known.




I feel as though my head will pop,




If the autoers will not stop!!!




So now you have heard me and please, Jagex,




Won't you ban all the autoers in world 76?








Oh yeah this was in the offical RS forums.








I dont think it will work though.

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Please post only original works created by you, not taken from another source. If I am mistaken please pm me to get this sorted.








Locking this until further notice.









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